
We run a continuous build of the Ganeti unittests and vcluster qa using buildbot. The official Ganeti buildbot is running on ~okeanos, powered by Synnefo and Ganeti! We kindly thank grnet for their support.

Link to the web interface:


As usual in buildbot, there are two parts:

  • the master machine, publicly accessible over HTTP
  • the slaves, which only need to talk to the master

Setup of the master machine is straightforward (it only needs to run buildbot), with the note that the global buildbot configuration is non-trivial.

The setup of the slaves, however, is more complex. Each slave needs to be able to build Ganeti, with all the required dependencies, which are “non-trivial” so to say.

Currently we have the following slaves defined:

  • debian wheezy 64bit
  • debian jessie 64bit
  • ubuntu 13.04 64bit
  • fedora 21 64bit

Feel free to prepare a new slave and ask us to add it to buildbot! The only requirement is to be able to build Ganeti with all or most of its dependencies (we can make exceptions if needed).

Virtual cluster (VCluster) QA

In addition to just build Ganeti and run unit tests, there is also a QA build on a virtual cluster defined on buildbot. The rough overview of the process is:

  • A buildslave builds Ganeti (the Fedora slave is used currently)
  • It uploads Ganeti to the QA machine
  • A large number of Ganeti commands are executed by the buildslave via ssh on the QA machine
    • A cluster is initialized
    • Virtual nodes (additional node daemons running on the QA machine) are added
    • Diskless instances for the fake hypervisor are created (but not actually run)

There are a number of requirements for this setup to work:

  • All runtime dependencies of Ganeti have to be installed on the QA machine
  • The buildslave has to have SSH access to the QA machine
    • In particular, the buildbot user on the buildslave has to be able to connect as root without password to the QA machine
  • SELinux interferes badly with the SSH based tests. That‘s why it’s disabled on the buildslave and the QA machine

Currently we have the following QA machines defined:

  • fedora 64bit (the driving buildslave is also running fedora 64bit)

See also the detailed description on how to setup a vcluster.

KVM cluster QA

Apart from the virtual cluster, we also have a QA on a real cluster. The cluster is formed of 3 debian wheezy VMs. These machines use kvm as hypervisor and a private network on eth1 as replication network. The master IP and the instance IPs also all live the 192.168.0/24 on eth1.

The QA is run from the wheezy buildslave (

Buildbot machines

  • master: or
  • wheezy:
  • jessie:
  • ubuntu 13.04:
  • fedora 21:
  • QA-VCluster, fedora 21:
  • QA KVM-Cluster, debian wheezy:,,

Buildmaster users

The users (which can cancel builds, force builds, etc.) are managed by hand (as we shouldn‘t need any user beside a generic one), in /srv/buildbot/masters/ganeti/htpasswd. Note that htpasswd (from apache2-utils) needs to be run with -d, as buildbot 0.8.6p1 doesn’t yet support md5/sha digests.

Slave setup

While the slaves are setup by slack, not everything was automated.

Initial setup means just installing slack, and pointing /etc/slack.conf to localhost (assuming you ssh into the machines with an rsync server running on your machine and exported to the slave on the correct port through the -R parameter of ssh):


Then afterwards running slack should be enough.

Note that for tests involving exclusive storage (exclusive-storage-instance-tests and cluster-exclusive-storage options in the QA configuration) you need to have more than one LVM physical volume in the default volume group.

Debian test build slaves

On grnet, the base images come with NetManager and a number of other daemons that are useful for desktop use; as the VMs don‘t have lots of memory, I’ve disabled them and switched back to plain /etc/network/interfaces.

On wheezy, pyinotify throws epydoc into a fit, so the solution (urgh!) is to hand-modify /usr/share/pyshared/ and remove the class _PyinotifyLogger(logging.getLoggerClass()) definition (this was removed as well in an upstream commit, 98c5f41a6e2e90827a63ff1b878596f4080481cc).


The buildmaster setup is automatically started, as the buildbot is installed from Debian packages. Manually starting/stopping/reconfiguring is possible via:

cd /srv/buildbot/masters/ganeti
buildbot stop|start|checkconfig|reconfig
tail -f twistd.log

The wheezy slave is started/stopped as well (for the same reason, automatically from packages), but the squeeze slave is only started at boot time from /etc/rc.local. All slaves are located under /srv/buildbot/slaves, so starting/stopping them is a matter of:

cd /srv/buildbot/slaves/unittests-wheezy64
buildslave stop|start

Source code

The source code is stored in Git under, in the buildbot repository.