| gnt-backup(8) Ganeti | Version @GANETI_VERSION@ |
| =============================================== |
| |
| Name |
| ---- |
| |
| gnt-backup - Ganeti instance import/export |
| |
| Synopsis |
| -------- |
| |
| **gnt-backup** {command} [arguments...] |
| |
| ----------- |
| |
| The **gnt-backup** is used for importing and exporting instances |
| and their configuration from a Ganeti system. It is useful for |
| backing up instances and also to migrate them between clusters. |
| |
| -------- |
| |
| ~~~~~~ |
| |
| | **export** {-n *node*} |
| | [\--shutdown-timeout=*N*] [\--noshutdown] [\--remove-instance] |
| | [\--ignore-remove-failures] [\--submit] [\--print-jobid] |
| | [\--transport-compression=*compression-mode*] |
| | [\--zero-free-space] [\--zeroing-timeout-fixed] |
| | [\--zeroing-timeout-per-mib] |
| | {*instance*} |
| |
| Exports an instance to the target node. All the instance data and |
| its configuration will be exported under the |
| ``@CUSTOM_EXPORT_DIR@/$instance`` directory on the target node. |
| |
| The ``--transport-compression`` option is used to specify which |
| compression mode is used to try and speed up moves during the export. |
| Valid values are 'none', and any values defined in the |
| 'compression_tools' cluster parameter. |
| |
| The ``--shutdown-timeout`` is used to specify how much time to wait |
| before forcing the shutdown (xm destroy in xen, killing the kvm |
| process, for kvm). By default two minutes are given to each |
| instance to stop. |
| |
| The ``--noshutdown`` option will create a snapshot disk of the |
| instance without shutting it down first. While this is faster and |
| involves no downtime, it cannot be guaranteed that the instance |
| data will be in a consistent state in the exported dump. |
| |
| The ``--remove`` option can be used to remove the instance after it |
| was exported. This is useful to make one last backup before |
| removing the instance. |
| |
| The ``--zero-free-space`` option can be used to zero the free space |
| of the instance prior to exporting it, saving space if compression |
| is used. The ``--zeroing-timeout-fixed`` and |
| ``--zeroing-timeout-per-mib`` options control the timeout, the former |
| determining the minimum time to wait, and the latter how much longer |
| to wait per MiB of data the instance has. |
| |
| Should the snapshotting or transfer of any of the instance disks |
| fail, the backup will not complete and any previous backups will be |
| preserved. The exact details of the failures will be shown during the |
| command execution (and will be stored in the job log). It is |
| recommended that for any non-zero exit code, the backup is considered |
| invalid, and retried. |
| |
| See **ganeti**\(7) for a description of ``--submit`` and other common |
| options. |
| |
| Example:: |
| |
| # gnt-backup export -n node1.example.com instance3.example.com |
| |
| |
| ~~~~~~ |
| |
| | **import** |
| | {-n *node[:secondary-node]* | \--iallocator *name*} |
| | [\--compress=*compression-mode*] |
| | [\--disk *N*:size=*VAL* [,vg=*VG*], [,mode=*ro|rw*]...] |
| | [\--net *N* [:options...] | \--no-nics] |
| | [-B *BEPARAMS*] |
| | [-H *HYPERVISOR* [: option=*value*... ]] |
| | [\--src-node=*source-node*] [\--src-dir=*source-dir*] |
| | [-t [diskless | plain | drbd | file]] |
| | [\--identify-defaults] |
| | [\--ignore-ipolicy] |
| | [\--submit] [\--print-jobid] |
| | {*instance*} |
| |
| Imports a new instance from an export residing on *source-node* in |
| *source-dir*. *instance* must be in DNS and resolve to a IP in the |
| same network as the nodes in the cluster. If the source node and |
| directory are not passed, the last backup in the cluster is used, |
| as visible with the **list** command. |
| |
| The ``disk`` option specifies the parameters for the disks of the |
| instance. The numbering of disks starts at zero. For each disk, at |
| least the size needs to be given, and optionally the access mode |
| (read-only or the default of read-write) and LVM volume group can also |
| be specified. The size is interpreted (when no unit is given) in |
| mebibytes. You can also use one of the suffixes m, g or t to specificy |
| the exact the units used; these suffixes map to mebibytes, gibibytes |
| and tebibytes. |
| |
| Alternatively, a single-disk instance can be created via the ``-s`` |
| option which takes a single argument, the size of the disk. This is |
| similar to the Ganeti 1.2 version (but will only create one disk). |
| |
| If no disk information is passed, the disk configuration saved at |
| export time will be used. |
| |
| The minimum disk specification is therefore empty (export information |
| will be used), a single disk can be specified as ``--disk 0:size=20G`` |
| (or ``-s 20G`` when using the ``-s`` option), and a three-disk |
| instance can be specified as ``--disk 0:size=20G --disk 1:size=4G |
| --disk 2:size=100G``. |
| |
| The NICs of the instances can be specified via the ``--net`` |
| option. By default, the NIC configuration of the original |
| (exported) instance will be reused. Each NIC can take up to three |
| parameters (all optional): |
| |
| mac |
| either a value or ``generate`` to generate a new unique MAC, or |
| ``auto`` to reuse the old MAC |
| |
| ip |
| specifies the IP address assigned to the instance from the Ganeti |
| side (this is not necessarily what the instance will use, but what |
| the node expects the instance to use) |
| |
| mode |
| specifies the connection mode for this NIC: ``routed``, |
| ``bridged`` or ``openvswitch`` |
| |
| link |
| in bridged and openvswitch mode specifies the interface to attach |
| this NIC to, in routed mode it's intended to differentiate between |
| different routing tables/instance groups (but the meaning is |
| dependent on the network script in use, see **gnt-cluster**\(8) for |
| more details) |
| |
| Of these ``mode`` and ``link`` are NIC parameters, and inherit their |
| default at cluster level. |
| |
| If no network is desired for the instance, you should create a single |
| empty NIC and delete it afterwards via **gnt-instance modify \--net |
| delete**. |
| |
| The ``-B`` option specifies the backend parameters for the |
| instance. If no such parameters are specified, the values are |
| inherited from the export. Possible parameters are: |
| |
| maxmem |
| the maximum memory size of the instance; as usual, suffixes can be |
| used to denote the unit, otherwise the value is taken in mebibytes |
| |
| minmem |
| the minimum memory size of the instance; as usual, suffixes can be |
| used to denote the unit, otherwise the value is taken in mebibytes |
| |
| vcpus |
| the number of VCPUs to assign to the instance (if this value makes |
| sense for the hypervisor) |
| |
| auto_balance |
| whether the instance is considered in the N+1 cluster checks |
| (enough redundancy in the cluster to survive a node failure) |
| |
| always\_failover |
| ``True`` or ``False``, whether the instance must be failed over |
| (shut down and rebooted) always or it may be migrated (briefly |
| suspended) |
| |
| |
| The ``-t`` options specifies the disk layout type for the instance. |
| If not passed, the configuration of the original instance is used. |
| The available choices are: |
| |
| diskless |
| This creates an instance with no disks. Its useful for testing only |
| (or other special cases). |
| |
| plain |
| Disk devices will be logical volumes. |
| |
| drbd |
| Disk devices will be drbd (version 8.x) on top of lvm volumes. |
| |
| file |
| Disk devices will be backed up by files, under the cluster's |
| default file storage directory. By default, each instance will |
| get a directory (as its own name) under this path, and each disk |
| is stored as individual files in this (instance-specific) directory. |
| |
| The ``--iallocator`` option specifies the instance allocator plugin |
| to use. If you pass in this option the allocator will select nodes |
| for this instance automatically, so you don't need to pass them |
| with the ``-n`` option. For more information please refer to the |
| instance allocator documentation. |
| |
| The optional second value of the ``--node`` is used for the drbd |
| template and specifies the remote node. |
| |
| The ``--compress`` option is used to specify which compression mode |
| is used for moves during the import. Valid values are 'none' |
| (the default) and 'gzip'. |
| |
| The ``--src-dir`` option allows importing instances from a directory |
| below ``@CUSTOM_EXPORT_DIR@``. |
| |
| If ``--ignore-ipolicy`` is given any instance policy violations occuring |
| during this operation are ignored. |
| |
| Since many of the parameters are by default read from the exported |
| instance information and used as such, the new instance will have |
| all parameters explicitly specified, the opposite of a newly added |
| instance which has most parameters specified via cluster defaults. |
| To change the import behaviour to recognize parameters whose saved |
| value matches the current cluster default and mark it as such |
| (default value), pass the ``--identify-defaults`` option. This will |
| affect the hypervisor, backend and NIC parameters, both read from |
| the export file and passed in via the command line. |
| |
| See **ganeti**\(7) for a description of ``--submit`` and other common |
| options. |
| |
| Example for identical instance import:: |
| |
| # gnt-backup import -n node1.example.com instance3.example.com |
| |
| |
| Explicit configuration example:: |
| |
| # gnt-backup import -t plain --disk 0:size=1G -B memory=512 \ |
| > -n node1.example.com \ |
| > instance3.example.com |
| |
| |
| LIST |
| ~~~~ |
| |
| | **list** [\--node=*NODE*] [\--no-headers] [\--separator=*SEPARATOR*] |
| | [-o *[+]FIELD,...*] |
| |
| Lists the exports currently available in the default directory in |
| all the nodes of the current cluster, or optionally only a subset |
| of them specified using the ``--node`` option (which can be used |
| multiple times) |
| |
| The ``--no-headers`` option will skip the initial header line. The |
| ``--separator`` option takes an argument which denotes what will be |
| used between the output fields. Both these options are to help |
| scripting. |
| |
| The ``-o`` option takes a comma-separated list of output fields. |
| The available fields and their meaning are: |
| |
| |
| If the value of the option starts with the character ``+``, the new |
| fields will be added to the default list. This allows one to quickly |
| see the default list plus a few other fields, instead of retyping |
| the entire list of fields. |
| |
| Example:: |
| |
| # gnt-backup list --node node1 --node node2 |
| |
| |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| **list-fields** [field...] |
| |
| Lists available fields for exports. |
| |
| |
| ~~~~~~ |
| |
| **remove** {instance_name} |
| |
| Removes the backup for the given instance name, if any. If the backup |
| was for a deleted instance, it is needed to pass the FQDN of the |
| instance, and not only the short hostname. |
| |
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