blob: 7e960af7f9283c11488aab823a7a1bd0ffb7a7ff [file] [log] [blame]
{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-type-defaults #-}
{-| Constants contains the Haskell constants
The constants in this module are used in Haskell and are also
converted to Python.
Do not write any definitions in this file other than constants. Do
not even write helper functions. The definitions in this module are
automatically stripped to build the target
'ListConstants.hs'. If there are helper functions in this module,
they will also be dragged and it will cause compilation to fail.
Therefore, all helper functions should go to a separate module and
Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Google Inc.
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
module Ganeti.Constants where
import Control.Arrow ((***),(&&&))
import Data.List ((\\))
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map (empty, fromList, keys, insert)
import qualified AutoConf
import Ganeti.ConstantUtils (PythonChar(..), FrozenSet, Protocol(..),
import qualified Ganeti.ConstantUtils as ConstantUtils
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Types as Types
import Ganeti.HTools.Types (AutoRepairResult(..), AutoRepairType(..))
import Ganeti.Logging (SyslogUsage(..))
import qualified Ganeti.Logging as Logging (syslogUsageToRaw)
import qualified Ganeti.Runtime as Runtime
import Ganeti.Runtime (GanetiDaemon(..), MiscGroup(..), GanetiGroup(..),
import Ganeti.THH (PyValueEx(..))
import Ganeti.Types
import qualified Ganeti.Types as Types
import Ganeti.Confd.Types (ConfdRequestType(..), ConfdReqField(..),
ConfdReplyStatus(..), ConfdNodeRole(..),
import qualified Ganeti.Confd.Types as Types
{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use camelCase" #-}
-- * 'autoconf' constants for Python only ('autotools/build-bash-completion')
htoolsProgs :: [String]
htoolsProgs = AutoConf.htoolsProgs
-- * 'autoconf' constants for Python only ('lib/')
drbdBarriers :: String
drbdBarriers = AutoConf.drbdBarriers
drbdNoMetaFlush :: Bool
drbdNoMetaFlush = AutoConf.drbdNoMetaFlush
lvmStripecount :: Int
lvmStripecount = AutoConf.lvmStripecount
hasGnuLn :: Bool
hasGnuLn = AutoConf.hasGnuLn
-- * 'autoconf' constants for Python only ('lib/')
-- ** Build-time constants
exportDir :: String
exportDir = AutoConf.exportDir
backupDir :: String
backupDir = AutoConf.backupDir
osSearchPath :: [String]
osSearchPath = AutoConf.osSearchPath
esSearchPath :: [String]
esSearchPath = AutoConf.esSearchPath
sshConfigDir :: String
sshConfigDir = AutoConf.sshConfigDir
xenConfigDir :: String
xenConfigDir = AutoConf.xenConfigDir
sysconfdir :: String
sysconfdir = AutoConf.sysconfdir
toolsdir :: String
toolsdir = AutoConf.toolsdir
localstatedir :: String
localstatedir = AutoConf.localstatedir
-- ** Paths which don't change for a virtual cluster
pkglibdir :: String
pkglibdir = AutoConf.pkglibdir
sharedir :: String
sharedir = AutoConf.sharedir
-- * 'autoconf' constants for Python only ('lib/build/')
manPages :: Map String Int
manPages = Map.fromList AutoConf.manPages
-- * 'autoconf' constants for QA cluster only ('qa/')
versionedsharedir :: String
versionedsharedir = AutoConf.versionedsharedir
-- * 'autoconf' constants for Python only ('tests/py/')
gntScripts :: [String]
gntScripts = AutoConf.gntScripts
-- * Various versions
releaseVersion :: String
releaseVersion = AutoConf.packageVersion
versionMajor :: Int
versionMajor = AutoConf.versionMajor
versionMinor :: Int
versionMinor = AutoConf.versionMinor
versionRevision :: Int
versionRevision = AutoConf.versionRevision
dirVersion :: String
dirVersion = AutoConf.dirVersion
osApiV10 :: Int
osApiV10 = 10
osApiV15 :: Int
osApiV15 = 15
osApiV20 :: Int
osApiV20 = 20
osApiVersions :: FrozenSet Int
osApiVersions = ConstantUtils.mkSet [osApiV10, osApiV15, osApiV20]
-- | The version of the backup/export instance description file format we are
-- producing when exporting and accepting when importing. The two are currently
-- tightly intertwined.
exportVersion :: Int
exportVersion = 0
rapiVersion :: Int
rapiVersion = 2
configMajor :: Int
configMajor = AutoConf.versionMajor
configMinor :: Int
configMinor = AutoConf.versionMinor
-- | The configuration is supposed to remain stable across
-- revisions. Therefore, the revision number is cleared to '0'.
configRevision :: Int
configRevision = 0
configVersion :: Int
configVersion = buildVersion configMajor configMinor configRevision
-- | Similarly to the configuration (see 'configRevision'), the
-- protocols are supposed to remain stable across revisions.
protocolVersion :: Int
protocolVersion = buildVersion configMajor configMinor configRevision
-- * User separation
daemonsGroup :: String
daemonsGroup = Runtime.daemonGroup (ExtraGroup DaemonsGroup)
adminGroup :: String
adminGroup = Runtime.daemonGroup (ExtraGroup AdminGroup)
masterdUser :: String
masterdUser = Runtime.daemonUser GanetiMasterd
masterdGroup :: String
masterdGroup = Runtime.daemonGroup (DaemonGroup GanetiMasterd)
metadUser :: String
metadUser = Runtime.daemonUser GanetiMetad
metadGroup :: String
metadGroup = Runtime.daemonGroup (DaemonGroup GanetiMetad)
rapiUser :: String
rapiUser = Runtime.daemonUser GanetiRapi
rapiGroup :: String
rapiGroup = Runtime.daemonGroup (DaemonGroup GanetiRapi)
confdUser :: String
confdUser = Runtime.daemonUser GanetiConfd
confdGroup :: String
confdGroup = Runtime.daemonGroup (DaemonGroup GanetiConfd)
wconfdUser :: String
wconfdUser = Runtime.daemonUser GanetiWConfd
wconfdGroup :: String
wconfdGroup = Runtime.daemonGroup (DaemonGroup GanetiWConfd)
kvmdUser :: String
kvmdUser = Runtime.daemonUser GanetiKvmd
kvmdGroup :: String
kvmdGroup = Runtime.daemonGroup (DaemonGroup GanetiKvmd)
luxidUser :: String
luxidUser = Runtime.daemonUser GanetiLuxid
luxidGroup :: String
luxidGroup = Runtime.daemonGroup (DaemonGroup GanetiLuxid)
nodedUser :: String
nodedUser = Runtime.daemonUser GanetiNoded
nodedGroup :: String
nodedGroup = Runtime.daemonGroup (DaemonGroup GanetiNoded)
mondUser :: String
mondUser = Runtime.daemonUser GanetiMond
mondGroup :: String
mondGroup = Runtime.daemonGroup (DaemonGroup GanetiMond)
sshLoginUser :: String
sshLoginUser = AutoConf.sshLoginUser
sshConsoleUser :: String
sshConsoleUser = AutoConf.sshConsoleUser
-- * Cpu pinning separators and constants
cpuPinningSep :: String
cpuPinningSep = ":"
cpuPinningAll :: String
cpuPinningAll = "all"
-- | Internal representation of "all"
cpuPinningAllVal :: Int
cpuPinningAllVal = -1
-- | One "all" entry in a CPU list means CPU pinning is off
cpuPinningOff :: [Int]
cpuPinningOff = [cpuPinningAllVal]
-- | A Xen-specific implementation detail is that there is no way to
-- actually say "use any cpu for pinning" in a Xen configuration file,
-- as opposed to the command line, where you can say
-- @
-- xm vcpu-pin <domain> <vcpu> all
-- @
-- The workaround used in Xen is "0-63" (see source code function
-- "xm_vcpu_pin" in @<xen-source>/tools/python/xen/xm/
-- To support future changes, the following constant is treated as a
-- blackbox string that simply means "use any cpu for pinning under
-- xen".
cpuPinningAllXen :: String
cpuPinningAllXen = "0-63"
-- * Image and wipe
ddCmd :: String
ddCmd = "dd"
-- | 1 MiB
-- The default block size for the 'dd' command
ddBlockSize :: Int
ddBlockSize = 1024^2
-- | 1GB
maxWipeChunk :: Int
maxWipeChunk = 1024
minWipeChunkPercent :: Int
minWipeChunkPercent = 10
-- * Directories
runDirsMode :: Int
runDirsMode = 0o775
secureDirMode :: Int
secureDirMode = 0o700
secureFileMode :: Int
secureFileMode = 0o600
adoptableBlockdevRoot :: String
adoptableBlockdevRoot = "/dev/disk/"
-- * 'autoconf' enable/disable
enableMond :: Bool
enableMond = AutoConf.enableMond
enableMetad :: Bool
enableMetad = AutoConf.enableMetad
enableRestrictedCommands :: Bool
enableRestrictedCommands = AutoConf.enableRestrictedCommands
-- * SSH constants
ssh :: String
ssh = "ssh"
scp :: String
scp = "scp"
-- * Daemons
confd :: String
confd = Runtime.daemonName GanetiConfd
masterd :: String
masterd = Runtime.daemonName GanetiMasterd
metad :: String
metad = Runtime.daemonName GanetiMetad
mond :: String
mond = Runtime.daemonName GanetiMond
noded :: String
noded = Runtime.daemonName GanetiNoded
wconfd :: String
wconfd = Runtime.daemonName GanetiWConfd
luxid :: String
luxid = Runtime.daemonName GanetiLuxid
rapi :: String
rapi = Runtime.daemonName GanetiRapi
kvmd :: String
kvmd = Runtime.daemonName GanetiKvmd
-- Set of daemons which only run on the master.
-- Keep in sync with the 'daemon-util' script.
daemonsMaster :: FrozenSet String
daemonsMaster = ConstantUtils.mkSet [wconfd, luxid, rapi]
daemons :: FrozenSet String
daemons =
$ map Runtime.daemonName [minBound .. maxBound]
defaultConfdPort :: Int
defaultConfdPort = 1814
defaultMondPort :: Int
defaultMondPort = 1815
defaultMetadPort :: Int
defaultMetadPort = 80
defaultNodedPort :: Int
defaultNodedPort = 1811
defaultRapiPort :: Int
defaultRapiPort = 5080
daemonsPorts :: Map String (Protocol, Int)
daemonsPorts =
[ (confd, (Udp, defaultConfdPort))
, (metad, (Tcp, defaultMetadPort))
, (mond, (Tcp, defaultMondPort))
, (noded, (Tcp, defaultNodedPort))
, (rapi, (Tcp, defaultRapiPort))
, (ssh, (Tcp, 22))
firstDrbdPort :: Int
firstDrbdPort = 11000
lastDrbdPort :: Int
lastDrbdPort = 14999
daemonsLogbase :: Map String String
daemonsLogbase =
[ (Runtime.daemonName d, Runtime.daemonLogBase d) | d <- [minBound..] ]
daemonsExtraLogbase :: Map String (Map String String)
daemonsExtraLogbase =
Map.fromList $
map (Runtime.daemonName *** id)
[ (GanetiMond, Map.fromList
[ ("access", Runtime.daemonsExtraLogbase GanetiMond AccessLog)
, ("error", Runtime.daemonsExtraLogbase GanetiMond ErrorLog)
extraLogreasonAccess :: String
extraLogreasonAccess = Runtime.daemonsExtraLogbase GanetiMond AccessLog
extraLogreasonError :: String
extraLogreasonError = Runtime.daemonsExtraLogbase GanetiMond ErrorLog
devConsole :: String
devConsole = ConstantUtils.devConsole
procMounts :: String
procMounts = "/proc/mounts"
-- * Luxi (Local UniX Interface) related constants
luxiEom :: PythonChar
luxiEom = PythonChar '\x03'
-- | Environment variable for the luxi override socket
luxiOverride :: String
luxiOverride = "FORCE_LUXI_SOCKET"
luxiOverrideMaster :: String
luxiOverrideMaster = "master"
luxiOverrideQuery :: String
luxiOverrideQuery = "query"
luxiVersion :: Int
luxiVersion = configVersion
-- * Syslog
syslogUsage :: String
syslogUsage = AutoConf.syslogUsage
syslogNo :: String
syslogNo = Logging.syslogUsageToRaw SyslogNo
syslogYes :: String
syslogYes = Logging.syslogUsageToRaw SyslogYes
syslogOnly :: String
syslogOnly = Logging.syslogUsageToRaw SyslogOnly
syslogSocket :: String
syslogSocket = "/dev/log"
exportConfFile :: String
exportConfFile = "config.ini"
-- * Xen
xenBootloader :: String
xenBootloader = AutoConf.xenBootloader
xenCmdXl :: String
xenCmdXl = "xl"
xenCmdXm :: String
xenCmdXm = "xm"
xenInitrd :: String
xenInitrd = AutoConf.xenInitrd
xenKernel :: String
xenKernel = AutoConf.xenKernel
xlSocatCmd :: String
xlSocatCmd = "socat -b524288 - TCP:%s:%d #"
xlMigrationPidfile :: String
xlMigrationPidfile = ""
-- FIXME: perhaps rename to 'validXenCommands' for consistency with
-- other constants
knownXenCommands :: FrozenSet String
knownXenCommands = ConstantUtils.mkSet [xenCmdXl, xenCmdXm]
-- * KVM and socat
kvmPath :: String
kvmPath = AutoConf.kvmPath
kvmKernel :: String
kvmKernel = AutoConf.kvmKernel
socatEscapeCode :: String
socatEscapeCode = "0x1d"
socatPath :: String
socatPath = AutoConf.socatPath
socatUseCompress :: Bool
socatUseCompress = AutoConf.socatUseCompress
socatUseEscape :: Bool
socatUseEscape = AutoConf.socatUseEscape
-- * LXC
-- If you are trying to change the value of these default constants, you also
-- need to edit the default value declaration in man/gnt-instance.rst.
lxcDevicesDefault :: String
lxcDevicesDefault =
"c 1:3 rw" -- /dev/null
++ ",c 1:5 rw" -- /dev/zero
++ ",c 1:7 rw" -- /dev/full
++ ",c 1:8 rw" -- /dev/random
++ ",c 1:9 rw" -- /dev/urandom
++ ",c 1:10 rw" -- /dev/aio
++ ",c 5:0 rw" -- /dev/tty
++ ",c 5:1 rw" -- /dev/console
++ ",c 5:2 rw" -- /dev/ptmx
++ ",c 136:* rw" -- first block of Unix98 PTY slaves
lxcDropCapabilitiesDefault :: String
lxcDropCapabilitiesDefault =
"mac_override" -- Allow MAC configuration or state changes
++ ",sys_boot" -- Use reboot(2) and kexec_load(2)
++ ",sys_module" -- Load and unload kernel modules
++ ",sys_time" -- Set system clock, set real-time (hardware) clock
++ ",sys_admin" -- Various system administration operations
lxcStateRunning :: String
lxcStateRunning = "RUNNING"
-- * Console types
-- | Display a message for console access
consMessage :: String
consMessage = "msg"
-- | Console as SPICE server
consSpice :: String
consSpice = "spice"
-- | Console as SSH command
consSsh :: String
consSsh = "ssh"
-- | Console as VNC server
consVnc :: String
consVnc = "vnc"
consAll :: FrozenSet String
consAll = ConstantUtils.mkSet [consMessage, consSpice, consSsh, consVnc]
-- | RSA key bit length
-- For RSA keys more bits are better, but they also make operations
-- more expensive. NIST SP 800-131 recommends a minimum of 2048 bits
-- from the year 2010 on.
rsaKeyBits :: Int
rsaKeyBits = 2048
-- | Ciphers allowed for SSL connections.
-- For the format, see ciphers(1). A better way to disable ciphers
-- would be to use the exclamation mark (!), but socat versions below
-- 1.5 can't parse exclamation marks in options properly. When
-- modifying the ciphers, ensure not to accidentially add something
-- after it's been removed. Use the "openssl" utility to check the
-- allowed ciphers, e.g. "openssl ciphers -v HIGH:-DES".
opensslCiphers :: String
opensslCiphers = "HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH"
-- * X509
-- | commonName (CN) used in certificates
x509CertCn :: String
x509CertCn = ""
-- | Default validity of certificates in days
x509CertDefaultValidity :: Int
x509CertDefaultValidity = 365 * 5
x509CertSignatureHeader :: String
x509CertSignatureHeader = "X-Ganeti-Signature"
-- | Digest used to sign certificates ("openssl x509" uses SHA1 by default)
x509CertSignDigest :: String
x509CertSignDigest = "SHA1"
-- * Import/export daemon mode
iemExport :: String
iemExport = "export"
iemImport :: String
iemImport = "import"
-- * Import/export transport compression
iecGzip :: String
iecGzip = "gzip"
iecGzipFast :: String
iecGzipFast = "gzip-fast"
iecGzipSlow :: String
iecGzipSlow = "gzip-slow"
iecLzop :: String
iecLzop = "lzop"
iecNone :: String
iecNone = "none"
iecAll :: [String]
iecAll = [iecGzip, iecGzipFast, iecGzipSlow, iecLzop, iecNone]
iecDefaultTools :: [String]
iecDefaultTools = [iecGzip, iecGzipFast, iecGzipSlow]
iecCompressionUtilities :: Map String String
iecCompressionUtilities =
[ (iecGzipFast, iecGzip)
, (iecGzipSlow, iecGzip)
ieCustomSize :: String
ieCustomSize = "fd"
-- * Import/export I/O
-- | Direct file I/O, equivalent to a shell's I/O redirection using
-- '<' or '>'
ieioFile :: String
ieioFile = "file"
-- | Raw block device I/O using "dd"
ieioRawDisk :: String
ieioRawDisk = "raw"
-- | OS definition import/export script
ieioScript :: String
ieioScript = "script"
-- * Values
valueDefault :: String
valueDefault = "default"
valueAuto :: String
valueAuto = "auto"
valueGenerate :: String
valueGenerate = "generate"
valueNone :: String
valueNone = "none"
valueTrue :: String
valueTrue = "true"
valueFalse :: String
valueFalse = "false"
-- * Hooks
hooksNameCfgupdate :: String
hooksNameCfgupdate = "config-update"
hooksNameWatcher :: String
hooksNameWatcher = "watcher"
hooksPath :: String
hooksPath = "/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin"
hooksPhasePost :: String
hooksPhasePost = "post"
hooksPhasePre :: String
hooksPhasePre = "pre"
hooksVersion :: Int
hooksVersion = 2
-- * Hooks subject type (what object type does the LU deal with)
htypeCluster :: String
htypeCluster = "CLUSTER"
htypeGroup :: String
htypeGroup = "GROUP"
htypeInstance :: String
htypeInstance = "INSTANCE"
htypeNetwork :: String
htypeNetwork = "NETWORK"
htypeNode :: String
htypeNode = "NODE"
-- * Hkr
hkrSkip :: Int
hkrSkip = 0
hkrFail :: Int
hkrFail = 1
hkrSuccess :: Int
hkrSuccess = 2
-- * Storage types
stBlock :: String
stBlock = Types.storageTypeToRaw StorageBlock
stDiskless :: String
stDiskless = Types.storageTypeToRaw StorageDiskless
stExt :: String
stExt = Types.storageTypeToRaw StorageExt
stFile :: String
stFile = Types.storageTypeToRaw StorageFile
stSharedFile :: String
stSharedFile = Types.storageTypeToRaw StorageSharedFile
stGluster :: String
stGluster = Types.storageTypeToRaw StorageGluster
stLvmPv :: String
stLvmPv = Types.storageTypeToRaw StorageLvmPv
stLvmVg :: String
stLvmVg = Types.storageTypeToRaw StorageLvmVg
stRados :: String
stRados = Types.storageTypeToRaw StorageRados
storageTypes :: FrozenSet String
storageTypes = ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.storageTypeToRaw [minBound..]
-- | The set of storage types for which full storage reporting is available
stsReport :: FrozenSet String
stsReport = ConstantUtils.mkSet [stFile, stLvmPv, stLvmVg]
-- | The set of storage types for which node storage reporting is available
-- | (as used by LUQueryNodeStorage)
stsReportNodeStorage :: FrozenSet String
stsReportNodeStorage = ConstantUtils.union stsReport $
ConstantUtils.mkSet [ stSharedFile
, stGluster
-- * Storage fields
-- ** First two are valid in LU context only, not passed to backend
sfNode :: String
sfNode = "node"
sfType :: String
sfType = "type"
-- ** and the rest are valid in backend
sfAllocatable :: String
sfAllocatable = Types.storageFieldToRaw SFAllocatable
sfFree :: String
sfFree = Types.storageFieldToRaw SFFree
sfName :: String
sfName = Types.storageFieldToRaw SFName
sfSize :: String
sfSize = Types.storageFieldToRaw SFSize
sfUsed :: String
sfUsed = Types.storageFieldToRaw SFUsed
validStorageFields :: FrozenSet String
validStorageFields =
ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.storageFieldToRaw [minBound..] ++
[sfNode, sfType]
modifiableStorageFields :: Map String (FrozenSet String)
modifiableStorageFields =
Map.fromList [(Types.storageTypeToRaw StorageLvmPv,
ConstantUtils.mkSet [sfAllocatable])]
-- * Storage operations
soFixConsistency :: String
soFixConsistency = "fix-consistency"
validStorageOperations :: Map String (FrozenSet String)
validStorageOperations =
Map.fromList [(Types.storageTypeToRaw StorageLvmVg,
ConstantUtils.mkSet [soFixConsistency])]
-- * Volume fields
vfDev :: String
vfDev = "dev"
vfInstance :: String
vfInstance = "instance"
vfName :: String
vfName = "name"
vfNode :: String
vfNode = "node"
vfPhys :: String
vfPhys = "phys"
vfSize :: String
vfSize = "size"
vfVg :: String
vfVg = "vg"
-- * Local disk status
ldsFaulty :: Int
ldsFaulty = Types.localDiskStatusToRaw DiskStatusFaulty
ldsOkay :: Int
ldsOkay = Types.localDiskStatusToRaw DiskStatusOk
ldsUnknown :: Int
ldsUnknown = Types.localDiskStatusToRaw DiskStatusUnknown
ldsSync :: Int
ldsSync = Types.localDiskStatusToRaw DiskStatusSync
ldsNames :: Map Int String
ldsNames =
Map.fromList [ (Types.localDiskStatusToRaw ds,
localDiskStatusName ds) | ds <- [minBound..] ]
-- * Disk template types
dtDiskless :: String
dtDiskless = Types.diskTemplateToRaw DTDiskless
dtFile :: String
dtFile = Types.diskTemplateToRaw DTFile
dtSharedFile :: String
dtSharedFile = Types.diskTemplateToRaw DTSharedFile
dtPlain :: String
dtPlain = Types.diskTemplateToRaw DTPlain
dtBlock :: String
dtBlock = Types.diskTemplateToRaw DTBlock
dtDrbd8 :: String
dtDrbd8 = Types.diskTemplateToRaw DTDrbd8
dtRbd :: String
dtRbd = Types.diskTemplateToRaw DTRbd
dtExt :: String
dtExt = Types.diskTemplateToRaw DTExt
dtGluster :: String
dtGluster = Types.diskTemplateToRaw DTGluster
dtMixed :: String
dtMixed = "mixed"
-- | This is used to order determine the default disk template when
-- the list of enabled disk templates is inferred from the current
-- state of the cluster. This only happens on an upgrade from a
-- version of Ganeti that did not support the 'enabled_disk_templates'
-- so far.
diskTemplatePreference :: [String]
diskTemplatePreference =
map Types.diskTemplateToRaw
[DTBlock, DTDiskless, DTDrbd8, DTExt, DTFile,
DTPlain, DTRbd, DTSharedFile, DTGluster]
diskTemplates :: FrozenSet String
diskTemplates = ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.diskTemplateToRaw [minBound..]
-- | Disk templates that are enabled by default
defaultEnabledDiskTemplates :: [String]
defaultEnabledDiskTemplates = map Types.diskTemplateToRaw [DTDrbd8, DTPlain]
-- | Mapping of disk templates to storage types
mapDiskTemplateStorageType :: Map String String
mapDiskTemplateStorageType =
Map.fromList $
map ( Types.diskTemplateToRaw
&&& Types.storageTypeToRaw . diskTemplateToStorageType)
-- | The set of network-mirrored disk templates
dtsIntMirror :: FrozenSet String
dtsIntMirror = ConstantUtils.mkSet [dtDrbd8]
-- | 'DTDiskless' is 'trivially' externally mirrored
dtsExtMirror :: FrozenSet String
dtsExtMirror =
ConstantUtils.mkSet $
map Types.diskTemplateToRaw
[DTDiskless, DTBlock, DTExt, DTSharedFile, DTRbd, DTGluster]
-- | The set of non-lvm-based disk templates
dtsNotLvm :: FrozenSet String
dtsNotLvm =
ConstantUtils.mkSet $
map Types.diskTemplateToRaw
[DTSharedFile, DTDiskless, DTBlock, DTExt, DTFile, DTRbd, DTGluster]
-- | The set of disk templates which can be grown
dtsGrowable :: FrozenSet String
dtsGrowable =
ConstantUtils.mkSet $
map Types.diskTemplateToRaw
[DTSharedFile, DTDrbd8, DTPlain, DTExt, DTFile, DTRbd, DTGluster]
-- | The set of disk templates that allow adoption
dtsMayAdopt :: FrozenSet String
dtsMayAdopt =
ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.diskTemplateToRaw [DTBlock, DTPlain]
-- | The set of disk templates that *must* use adoption
dtsMustAdopt :: FrozenSet String
dtsMustAdopt = ConstantUtils.mkSet [Types.diskTemplateToRaw DTBlock]
-- | The set of disk templates that allow migrations
dtsMirrored :: FrozenSet String
dtsMirrored = dtsIntMirror `ConstantUtils.union` dtsExtMirror
-- | The set of file based disk templates
dtsFilebased :: FrozenSet String
dtsFilebased =
ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.diskTemplateToRaw
[DTSharedFile, DTFile, DTGluster]
-- | The set of file based disk templates whose path is tied to the instance
-- name
dtsInstanceDependentPath :: FrozenSet String
dtsInstanceDependentPath =
ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.diskTemplateToRaw
[DTSharedFile, DTFile]
-- | The set of disk templates that can be moved by copying
-- Note: a requirement is that they're not accessed externally or
-- shared between nodes; in particular, sharedfile is not suitable.
dtsCopyable :: FrozenSet String
dtsCopyable =
ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.diskTemplateToRaw [DTPlain, DTFile]
-- | The set of disk templates which can be snapshot.
dtsSnapshotCapable :: FrozenSet String
dtsSnapshotCapable =
ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.diskTemplateToRaw [DTPlain, DTDrbd8, DTExt]
-- | The set of disk templates that are supported by exclusive_storage
dtsExclStorage :: FrozenSet String
dtsExclStorage = ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.diskTemplateToRaw [DTPlain]
-- | Templates for which we don't perform checks on free space
dtsNoFreeSpaceCheck :: FrozenSet String
dtsNoFreeSpaceCheck =
ConstantUtils.mkSet $
map Types.diskTemplateToRaw [DTExt, DTSharedFile, DTFile, DTRbd, DTGluster]
dtsBlock :: FrozenSet String
dtsBlock =
ConstantUtils.mkSet $
map Types.diskTemplateToRaw [DTPlain, DTDrbd8, DTBlock, DTRbd, DTExt]
-- | The set of lvm-based disk templates
dtsLvm :: FrozenSet String
dtsLvm = diskTemplates `ConstantUtils.difference` dtsNotLvm
-- | The set of lvm-based disk templates
dtsHaveAccess :: FrozenSet String
dtsHaveAccess = ConstantUtils.mkSet $
map Types.diskTemplateToRaw [DTRbd, DTGluster, DTExt]
-- | The set of disk templates that cannot convert from
dtsNotConvertibleFrom :: FrozenSet String
dtsNotConvertibleFrom =
ConstantUtils.mkSet $
map Types.diskTemplateToRaw [DTDiskless]
-- | The set of disk templates that cannot convert to
dtsNotConvertibleTo :: FrozenSet String
dtsNotConvertibleTo =
ConstantUtils.mkSet $
map Types.diskTemplateToRaw [DTDiskless, DTBlock]
-- * Drbd
drbdHmacAlg :: String
drbdHmacAlg = "md5"
drbdDefaultNetProtocol :: String
drbdDefaultNetProtocol = "C"
drbdMigrationNetProtocol :: String
drbdMigrationNetProtocol = "C"
drbdStatusFile :: String
drbdStatusFile = "/proc/drbd"
-- | The length of generated DRBD secrets (see also TempRes module).
drbdSecretLength :: Int
drbdSecretLength = 20
-- | Size of DRBD meta block device
drbdMetaSize :: Int
drbdMetaSize = 128
-- * Drbd barrier types
drbdBDiskBarriers :: String
drbdBDiskBarriers = "b"
drbdBDiskDrain :: String
drbdBDiskDrain = "d"
drbdBDiskFlush :: String
drbdBDiskFlush = "f"
drbdBNone :: String
drbdBNone = "n"
-- | Valid barrier combinations: "n" or any non-null subset of "bfd"
drbdValidBarrierOpt :: FrozenSet (FrozenSet String)
drbdValidBarrierOpt =
[ ConstantUtils.mkSet [drbdBNone]
, ConstantUtils.mkSet [drbdBDiskBarriers]
, ConstantUtils.mkSet [drbdBDiskDrain]
, ConstantUtils.mkSet [drbdBDiskFlush]
, ConstantUtils.mkSet [drbdBDiskDrain, drbdBDiskFlush]
, ConstantUtils.mkSet [drbdBDiskBarriers, drbdBDiskDrain]
, ConstantUtils.mkSet [drbdBDiskBarriers, drbdBDiskFlush]
, ConstantUtils.mkSet [drbdBDiskBarriers, drbdBDiskFlush, drbdBDiskDrain]
-- | Rbd tool command
rbdCmd :: String
rbdCmd = "rbd"
-- * File backend driver
fdBlktap :: String
fdBlktap = Types.fileDriverToRaw FileBlktap
fdBlktap2 :: String
fdBlktap2 = Types.fileDriverToRaw FileBlktap2
fdLoop :: String
fdLoop = Types.fileDriverToRaw FileLoop
fdDefault :: String
fdDefault = fdLoop
fileDriver :: FrozenSet String
fileDriver =
ConstantUtils.mkSet $
map Types.fileDriverToRaw [minBound..]
-- | The set of drbd-like disk types
dtsDrbd :: FrozenSet String
dtsDrbd = ConstantUtils.mkSet [Types.diskTemplateToRaw DTDrbd8]
-- * Disk access mode
diskRdonly :: String
diskRdonly = Types.diskModeToRaw DiskRdOnly
diskRdwr :: String
diskRdwr = Types.diskModeToRaw DiskRdWr
diskAccessSet :: FrozenSet String
diskAccessSet = ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.diskModeToRaw [minBound..]
-- * Disk replacement mode
replaceDiskAuto :: String
replaceDiskAuto = Types.replaceDisksModeToRaw ReplaceAuto
replaceDiskChg :: String
replaceDiskChg = Types.replaceDisksModeToRaw ReplaceNewSecondary
replaceDiskPri :: String
replaceDiskPri = Types.replaceDisksModeToRaw ReplaceOnPrimary
replaceDiskSec :: String
replaceDiskSec = Types.replaceDisksModeToRaw ReplaceOnSecondary
replaceModes :: FrozenSet String
replaceModes =
ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.replaceDisksModeToRaw [minBound..]
-- * Instance export mode
exportModeLocal :: String
exportModeLocal = Types.exportModeToRaw ExportModeLocal
exportModeRemote :: String
exportModeRemote = Types.exportModeToRaw ExportModeRemote
exportModes :: FrozenSet String
exportModes = ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.exportModeToRaw [minBound..]
-- * Instance creation modes
instanceCreate :: String
instanceCreate = Types.instCreateModeToRaw InstCreate
instanceImport :: String
instanceImport = Types.instCreateModeToRaw InstImport
instanceRemoteImport :: String
instanceRemoteImport = Types.instCreateModeToRaw InstRemoteImport
instanceCreateModes :: FrozenSet String
instanceCreateModes =
ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.instCreateModeToRaw [minBound..]
-- * Remote import/export handshake message and version
rieHandshake :: String
rieHandshake = "Hi, I'm Ganeti"
rieVersion :: Int
rieVersion = 0
-- | Remote import/export certificate validity (seconds)
rieCertValidity :: Int
rieCertValidity = 24 * 60 * 60
-- | Export only: how long to wait per connection attempt (seconds)
rieConnectAttemptTimeout :: Int
rieConnectAttemptTimeout = 20
-- | Export only: number of attempts to connect
rieConnectRetries :: Int
rieConnectRetries = 10
-- | Overall timeout for establishing connection
rieConnectTimeout :: Int
rieConnectTimeout = 180
-- | Give child process up to 5 seconds to exit after sending a signal
childLingerTimeout :: Double
childLingerTimeout = 5.0
-- * Import/export config options
inisectBep :: String
inisectBep = "backend"
inisectExp :: String
inisectExp = "export"
inisectHyp :: String
inisectHyp = "hypervisor"
inisectIns :: String
inisectIns = "instance"
inisectOsp :: String
inisectOsp = "os"
inisectOspPrivate :: String
inisectOspPrivate = "os_private"
-- * Dynamic device modification
ddmAdd :: String
ddmAdd = Types.ddmFullToRaw DdmFullAdd
ddmAttach :: String
ddmAttach = Types.ddmFullToRaw DdmFullAttach
ddmModify :: String
ddmModify = Types.ddmFullToRaw DdmFullModify
ddmRemove :: String
ddmRemove = Types.ddmFullToRaw DdmFullRemove
ddmDetach :: String
ddmDetach = Types.ddmFullToRaw DdmFullDetach
ddmsValues :: FrozenSet String
ddmsValues = ConstantUtils.mkSet [ddmAdd, ddmAttach, ddmRemove, ddmDetach]
ddmsValuesWithModify :: FrozenSet String
ddmsValuesWithModify = ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.ddmFullToRaw [minBound..]
-- * Common exit codes
exitSuccess :: Int
exitSuccess = 0
exitFailure :: Int
exitFailure = ConstantUtils.exitFailure
exitNotcluster :: Int
exitNotcluster = 5
exitNotmaster :: Int
exitNotmaster = 11
exitNodesetupError :: Int
exitNodesetupError = 12
-- | Need user confirmation
exitConfirmation :: Int
exitConfirmation = 13
-- | Exit code for query operations with unknown fields
exitUnknownField :: Int
exitUnknownField = 14
-- * Tags
tagCluster :: String
tagCluster = Types.tagKindToRaw TagKindCluster
tagInstance :: String
tagInstance = Types.tagKindToRaw TagKindInstance
tagNetwork :: String
tagNetwork = Types.tagKindToRaw TagKindNetwork
tagNode :: String
tagNode = Types.tagKindToRaw TagKindNode
tagNodegroup :: String
tagNodegroup = Types.tagKindToRaw TagKindGroup
validTagTypes :: FrozenSet String
validTagTypes = ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.tagKindToRaw [minBound..]
maxTagLen :: Int
maxTagLen = 128
maxTagsPerObj :: Int
maxTagsPerObj = 4096
-- * Others
defaultBridge :: String
defaultBridge = AutoConf.defaultBridge
defaultOvs :: String
defaultOvs = "switch1"
-- | 60 MiB/s, expressed in KiB/s
classicDrbdSyncSpeed :: Int
classicDrbdSyncSpeed = 60 * 1024
ip4AddressAny :: String
ip4AddressAny = ""
ip4AddressLocalhost :: String
ip4AddressLocalhost = ""
ip6AddressAny :: String
ip6AddressAny = "::"
ip6AddressLocalhost :: String
ip6AddressLocalhost = "::1"
ip4Version :: Int
ip4Version = 4
ip6Version :: Int
ip6Version = 6
validIpVersions :: FrozenSet Int
validIpVersions = ConstantUtils.mkSet [ip4Version, ip6Version]
tcpPingTimeout :: Int
tcpPingTimeout = 10
defaultVg :: String
defaultVg = AutoConf.defaultVg
defaultDrbdHelper :: String
defaultDrbdHelper = "/bin/true"
minVgSize :: Int
minVgSize = 20480
defaultMacPrefix :: String
defaultMacPrefix = "aa:00:00"
-- | Default maximum instance wait time (seconds)
defaultShutdownTimeout :: Int
defaultShutdownTimeout = 120
-- | Node clock skew (seconds)
nodeMaxClockSkew :: Int
nodeMaxClockSkew = 150
-- | Time for an intra-cluster disk transfer to wait for a connection
diskTransferConnectTimeout :: Int
diskTransferConnectTimeout = 60
-- | Disk index separator
diskSeparator :: String
diskSeparator = AutoConf.diskSeparator
ipCommandPath :: String
ipCommandPath = AutoConf.ipPath
-- | Key for job IDs in opcode result
jobIdsKey :: String
jobIdsKey = "jobs"
-- * Runparts results
runpartsErr :: Int
runpartsErr = 2
runpartsRun :: Int
runpartsRun = 1
runpartsSkip :: Int
runpartsSkip = 0
runpartsStatus :: [Int]
runpartsStatus = [runpartsErr, runpartsRun, runpartsSkip]
-- * RPC
rpcEncodingNone :: Int
rpcEncodingNone = 0
rpcEncodingZlibBase64 :: Int
rpcEncodingZlibBase64 = 1
-- * Timeout table
-- Various time constants for the timeout table
rpcTmoUrgent :: Int
rpcTmoUrgent = Types.rpcTimeoutToRaw Urgent
rpcTmoFast :: Int
rpcTmoFast = Types.rpcTimeoutToRaw Fast
rpcTmoNormal :: Int
rpcTmoNormal = Types.rpcTimeoutToRaw Normal
rpcTmoSlow :: Int
rpcTmoSlow = Types.rpcTimeoutToRaw Slow
-- | 'rpcTmo_4hrs' contains an underscore to circumvent a limitation
-- in the 'Ganeti.THH.deCamelCase' function and generate the correct
-- Python name.
rpcTmo_4hrs :: Int
rpcTmo_4hrs = Types.rpcTimeoutToRaw FourHours
-- | 'rpcTmo_1day' contains an underscore to circumvent a limitation
-- in the 'Ganeti.THH.deCamelCase' function and generate the correct
-- Python name.
rpcTmo_1day :: Int
rpcTmo_1day = Types.rpcTimeoutToRaw OneDay
-- | Timeout for connecting to nodes (seconds)
rpcConnectTimeout :: Int
rpcConnectTimeout = 5
-- OS
osScriptCreate :: String
osScriptCreate = "create"
osScriptCreateUntrusted :: String
osScriptCreateUntrusted = "create_untrusted"
osScriptExport :: String
osScriptExport = "export"
osScriptImport :: String
osScriptImport = "import"
osScriptRename :: String
osScriptRename = "rename"
osScriptVerify :: String
osScriptVerify = "verify"
osScripts :: [String]
osScripts = [osScriptCreate, osScriptCreateUntrusted, osScriptExport,
osScriptImport, osScriptRename, osScriptVerify]
osApiFile :: String
osApiFile = "ganeti_api_version"
osVariantsFile :: String
osVariantsFile = "variants.list"
osParametersFile :: String
osParametersFile = "parameters.list"
osValidateParameters :: String
osValidateParameters = "parameters"
osValidateCalls :: FrozenSet String
osValidateCalls = ConstantUtils.mkSet [osValidateParameters]
-- | External Storage (ES) related constants
esActionAttach :: String
esActionAttach = "attach"
esActionCreate :: String
esActionCreate = "create"
esActionDetach :: String
esActionDetach = "detach"
esActionGrow :: String
esActionGrow = "grow"
esActionRemove :: String
esActionRemove = "remove"
esActionSetinfo :: String
esActionSetinfo = "setinfo"
esActionVerify :: String
esActionVerify = "verify"
esActionSnapshot :: String
esActionSnapshot = "snapshot"
esActionOpen :: String
esActionOpen = "open"
esActionClose :: String
esActionClose = "close"
esScriptCreate :: String
esScriptCreate = esActionCreate
esScriptRemove :: String
esScriptRemove = esActionRemove
esScriptGrow :: String
esScriptGrow = esActionGrow
esScriptAttach :: String
esScriptAttach = esActionAttach
esScriptDetach :: String
esScriptDetach = esActionDetach
esScriptSetinfo :: String
esScriptSetinfo = esActionSetinfo
esScriptVerify :: String
esScriptVerify = esActionVerify
esScriptSnapshot :: String
esScriptSnapshot = esActionSnapshot
esScriptOpen :: String
esScriptOpen = esActionOpen
esScriptClose :: String
esScriptClose = esActionClose
esScripts :: FrozenSet String
esScripts =
ConstantUtils.mkSet [esScriptAttach,
esParametersFile :: String
esParametersFile = "parameters.list"
-- * Reboot types
instanceRebootSoft :: String
instanceRebootSoft = Types.rebootTypeToRaw RebootSoft
instanceRebootHard :: String
instanceRebootHard = Types.rebootTypeToRaw RebootHard
instanceRebootFull :: String
instanceRebootFull = Types.rebootTypeToRaw RebootFull
rebootTypes :: FrozenSet String
rebootTypes = ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.rebootTypeToRaw [minBound..]
-- * Instance reboot behaviors
instanceRebootAllowed :: String
instanceRebootAllowed = "reboot"
instanceRebootExit :: String
instanceRebootExit = "exit"
rebootBehaviors :: [String]
rebootBehaviors = [instanceRebootAllowed, instanceRebootExit]
-- * VTypes
vtypeBool :: VType
vtypeBool = VTypeBool
vtypeInt :: VType
vtypeInt = VTypeInt
vtypeFloat :: VType
vtypeFloat = VTypeFloat
vtypeMaybeString :: VType
vtypeMaybeString = VTypeMaybeString
-- | Size in MiBs
vtypeSize :: VType
vtypeSize = VTypeSize
vtypeString :: VType
vtypeString = VTypeString
enforceableTypes :: FrozenSet VType
enforceableTypes = ConstantUtils.mkSet [minBound..]
-- | Constant representing that the user does not specify any IP version
ifaceNoIpVersionSpecified :: Int
ifaceNoIpVersionSpecified = 0
validSerialSpeeds :: [Int]
validSerialSpeeds =
-- * HV parameter names (global namespace)
hvAcpi :: String
hvAcpi = "acpi"
hvBlockdevPrefix :: String
hvBlockdevPrefix = "blockdev_prefix"
hvBootloaderArgs :: String
hvBootloaderArgs = "bootloader_args"
hvBootloaderPath :: String
hvBootloaderPath = "bootloader_path"
hvBootOrder :: String
hvBootOrder = "boot_order"
hvCdromImagePath :: String
hvCdromImagePath = "cdrom_image_path"
hvCpuCap :: String
hvCpuCap = "cpu_cap"
hvCpuCores :: String
hvCpuCores = "cpu_cores"
hvCpuMask :: String
hvCpuMask = "cpu_mask"
hvCpuSockets :: String
hvCpuSockets = "cpu_sockets"
hvCpuThreads :: String
hvCpuThreads = "cpu_threads"
hvCpuType :: String
hvCpuType = "cpu_type"
hvCpuWeight :: String
hvCpuWeight = "cpu_weight"
hvDeviceModel :: String
hvDeviceModel = "device_model"
hvDiskCache :: String
hvDiskCache = "disk_cache"
hvDiskType :: String
hvDiskType = "disk_type"
hvInitrdPath :: String
hvInitrdPath = "initrd_path"
hvInitScript :: String
hvInitScript = "init_script"
hvKernelArgs :: String
hvKernelArgs = "kernel_args"
hvKernelPath :: String
hvKernelPath = "kernel_path"
hvKeymap :: String
hvKeymap = "keymap"
hvKvmCdrom2ImagePath :: String
hvKvmCdrom2ImagePath = "cdrom2_image_path"
hvKvmCdromDiskType :: String
hvKvmCdromDiskType = "cdrom_disk_type"
hvKvmExtra :: String
hvKvmExtra = "kvm_extra"
hvKvmFlag :: String
hvKvmFlag = "kvm_flag"
hvKvmFloppyImagePath :: String
hvKvmFloppyImagePath = "floppy_image_path"
hvKvmMachineVersion :: String
hvKvmMachineVersion = "machine_version"
hvKvmMigrationCaps :: String
hvKvmMigrationCaps = "migration_caps"
hvKvmPath :: String
hvKvmPath = "kvm_path"
hvKvmDiskAio :: String
hvKvmDiskAio = "disk_aio"
hvKvmSpiceAudioCompr :: String
hvKvmSpiceAudioCompr = "spice_playback_compression"
hvKvmSpiceBind :: String
hvKvmSpiceBind = "spice_bind"
hvKvmSpiceIpVersion :: String
hvKvmSpiceIpVersion = "spice_ip_version"
hvKvmSpiceJpegImgCompr :: String
hvKvmSpiceJpegImgCompr = "spice_jpeg_wan_compression"
hvKvmSpiceLosslessImgCompr :: String
hvKvmSpiceLosslessImgCompr = "spice_image_compression"
hvKvmSpicePasswordFile :: String
hvKvmSpicePasswordFile = "spice_password_file"
hvKvmSpiceStreamingVideoDetection :: String
hvKvmSpiceStreamingVideoDetection = "spice_streaming_video"
hvKvmSpiceTlsCiphers :: String
hvKvmSpiceTlsCiphers = "spice_tls_ciphers"
hvKvmSpiceUseTls :: String
hvKvmSpiceUseTls = "spice_use_tls"
hvKvmSpiceUseVdagent :: String
hvKvmSpiceUseVdagent = "spice_use_vdagent"
hvKvmSpiceZlibGlzImgCompr :: String
hvKvmSpiceZlibGlzImgCompr = "spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression"
hvKvmUseChroot :: String
hvKvmUseChroot = "use_chroot"
hvKvmUserShutdown :: String
hvKvmUserShutdown = "user_shutdown"
hvLxcStartupTimeout :: String
hvLxcStartupTimeout = "startup_timeout"
hvLxcExtraCgroups :: String
hvLxcExtraCgroups = "extra_cgroups"
hvLxcDevices :: String
hvLxcDevices = "devices"
hvLxcDropCapabilities :: String
hvLxcDropCapabilities = "drop_capabilities"
hvLxcExtraConfig :: String
hvLxcExtraConfig = "extra_config"
hvLxcNumTtys :: String
hvLxcNumTtys = "num_ttys"
hvMemPath :: String
hvMemPath = "mem_path"
hvMigrationBandwidth :: String
hvMigrationBandwidth = "migration_bandwidth"
hvMigrationDowntime :: String
hvMigrationDowntime = "migration_downtime"
hvMigrationMode :: String
hvMigrationMode = "migration_mode"
hvMigrationPort :: String
hvMigrationPort = "migration_port"
hvNicType :: String
hvNicType = "nic_type"
hvPae :: String
hvPae = "pae"
hvPassthrough :: String
hvPassthrough = "pci_pass"
hvRebootBehavior :: String
hvRebootBehavior = "reboot_behavior"
hvRootPath :: String
hvRootPath = "root_path"
hvSecurityDomain :: String
hvSecurityDomain = "security_domain"
hvSecurityModel :: String
hvSecurityModel = "security_model"
hvSerialConsole :: String
hvSerialConsole = "serial_console"
hvSerialSpeed :: String
hvSerialSpeed = "serial_speed"
hvSoundhw :: String
hvSoundhw = "soundhw"
hvUsbDevices :: String
hvUsbDevices = "usb_devices"
hvUsbMouse :: String
hvUsbMouse = "usb_mouse"
hvUseBootloader :: String
hvUseBootloader = "use_bootloader"
hvUseLocaltime :: String
hvUseLocaltime = "use_localtime"
hvVga :: String
hvVga = "vga"
hvVhostNet :: String
hvVhostNet = "vhost_net"
hvVirtioNetQueues :: String
hvVirtioNetQueues = "virtio_net_queues"
hvVifScript :: String
hvVifScript = "vif_script"
hvVifType :: String
hvVifType = "vif_type"
hvViridian :: String
hvViridian = "viridian"
hvVncBindAddress :: String
hvVncBindAddress = "vnc_bind_address"
hvVncPasswordFile :: String
hvVncPasswordFile = "vnc_password_file"
hvVncTls :: String
hvVncTls = "vnc_tls"
hvVncX509 :: String
hvVncX509 = "vnc_x509_path"
hvVncX509Verify :: String
hvVncX509Verify = "vnc_x509_verify"
hvVnetHdr :: String
hvVnetHdr = "vnet_hdr"
hvXenCmd :: String
hvXenCmd = "xen_cmd"
hvXenCpuid :: String
hvXenCpuid = "cpuid"
hvsParameterTitles :: Map String String
hvsParameterTitles =
[(hvAcpi, "ACPI"),
(hvBootOrder, "Boot_order"),
(hvCdromImagePath, "CDROM_image_path"),
(hvCpuType, "cpu_type"),
(hvDiskType, "Disk_type"),
(hvInitrdPath, "Initrd_path"),
(hvKernelPath, "Kernel_path"),
(hvNicType, "NIC_type"),
(hvPae, "PAE"),
(hvPassthrough, "pci_pass"),
(hvVncBindAddress, "VNC_bind_address")]
hvsParameters :: FrozenSet String
hvsParameters = ConstantUtils.mkSet $ Map.keys hvsParameterTypes
hvsParameterTypes :: Map String VType
hvsParameterTypes = Map.fromList
[ (hvAcpi, VTypeBool)
, (hvBlockdevPrefix, VTypeString)
, (hvBootloaderArgs, VTypeString)
, (hvBootloaderPath, VTypeString)
, (hvBootOrder, VTypeString)
, (hvCdromImagePath, VTypeString)
, (hvCpuCap, VTypeInt)
, (hvCpuCores, VTypeInt)
, (hvCpuMask, VTypeString)
, (hvCpuSockets, VTypeInt)
, (hvCpuThreads, VTypeInt)
, (hvCpuType, VTypeString)
, (hvCpuWeight, VTypeInt)
, (hvDeviceModel, VTypeString)
, (hvDiskCache, VTypeString)
, (hvDiskType, VTypeString)
, (hvInitrdPath, VTypeString)
, (hvInitScript, VTypeString)
, (hvKernelArgs, VTypeString)
, (hvKernelPath, VTypeString)
, (hvKeymap, VTypeString)
, (hvKvmCdrom2ImagePath, VTypeString)
, (hvKvmCdromDiskType, VTypeString)
, (hvKvmExtra, VTypeString)
, (hvKvmFlag, VTypeString)
, (hvKvmFloppyImagePath, VTypeString)
, (hvKvmMachineVersion, VTypeString)
, (hvKvmMigrationCaps, VTypeString)
, (hvKvmPath, VTypeString)
, (hvKvmDiskAio, VTypeString)
, (hvKvmSpiceAudioCompr, VTypeBool)
, (hvKvmSpiceBind, VTypeString)
, (hvKvmSpiceIpVersion, VTypeInt)
, (hvKvmSpiceJpegImgCompr, VTypeString)
, (hvKvmSpiceLosslessImgCompr, VTypeString)
, (hvKvmSpicePasswordFile, VTypeString)
, (hvKvmSpiceStreamingVideoDetection, VTypeString)
, (hvKvmSpiceTlsCiphers, VTypeString)
, (hvKvmSpiceUseTls, VTypeBool)
, (hvKvmSpiceUseVdagent, VTypeBool)
, (hvKvmSpiceZlibGlzImgCompr, VTypeString)
, (hvKvmUseChroot, VTypeBool)
, (hvKvmUserShutdown, VTypeBool)
, (hvLxcDevices, VTypeString)
, (hvLxcDropCapabilities, VTypeString)
, (hvLxcExtraCgroups, VTypeString)
, (hvLxcExtraConfig, VTypeString)
, (hvLxcNumTtys, VTypeInt)
, (hvLxcStartupTimeout, VTypeInt)
, (hvMemPath, VTypeString)
, (hvMigrationBandwidth, VTypeInt)
, (hvMigrationDowntime, VTypeInt)
, (hvMigrationMode, VTypeString)
, (hvMigrationPort, VTypeInt)
, (hvNicType, VTypeString)
, (hvPae, VTypeBool)
, (hvPassthrough, VTypeString)
, (hvRebootBehavior, VTypeString)
, (hvRootPath, VTypeMaybeString)
, (hvSecurityDomain, VTypeString)
, (hvSecurityModel, VTypeString)
, (hvSerialConsole, VTypeBool)
, (hvSerialSpeed, VTypeInt)
, (hvSoundhw, VTypeString)
, (hvUsbDevices, VTypeString)
, (hvUsbMouse, VTypeString)
, (hvUseBootloader, VTypeBool)
, (hvUseLocaltime, VTypeBool)
, (hvVga, VTypeString)
, (hvVhostNet, VTypeBool)
, (hvVirtioNetQueues, VTypeInt)
, (hvVifScript, VTypeString)
, (hvVifType, VTypeString)
, (hvViridian, VTypeBool)
, (hvVncBindAddress, VTypeString)
, (hvVncPasswordFile, VTypeString)
, (hvVncTls, VTypeBool)
, (hvVncX509, VTypeString)
, (hvVncX509Verify, VTypeBool)
, (hvVnetHdr, VTypeBool)
, (hvXenCmd, VTypeString)
, (hvXenCpuid, VTypeString)
-- * Migration statuses
hvMigrationActive :: String
hvMigrationActive = "active"
hvMigrationCancelled :: String
hvMigrationCancelled = "cancelled"
hvMigrationCompleted :: String
hvMigrationCompleted = "completed"
hvMigrationFailed :: String
hvMigrationFailed = "failed"
hvMigrationValidStatuses :: FrozenSet String
hvMigrationValidStatuses =
ConstantUtils.mkSet [hvMigrationActive,
hvMigrationFailedStatuses :: FrozenSet String
hvMigrationFailedStatuses =
ConstantUtils.mkSet [hvMigrationFailed, hvMigrationCancelled]
-- | KVM-specific statuses
-- FIXME: this constant seems unnecessary
hvKvmMigrationValidStatuses :: FrozenSet String
hvKvmMigrationValidStatuses = hvMigrationValidStatuses
-- | Node info keys
hvNodeinfoKeyVersion :: String
hvNodeinfoKeyVersion = "hv_version"
-- * Hypervisor state
hvstCpuNode :: String
hvstCpuNode = "cpu_node"
hvstCpuTotal :: String
hvstCpuTotal = "cpu_total"
hvstMemoryHv :: String
hvstMemoryHv = "mem_hv"
hvstMemoryNode :: String
hvstMemoryNode = "mem_node"
hvstMemoryTotal :: String
hvstMemoryTotal = "mem_total"
hvstsParameters :: FrozenSet String
hvstsParameters =
ConstantUtils.mkSet [hvstCpuNode,
hvstDefaults :: Map String Int
hvstDefaults =
[(hvstCpuNode, 1),
(hvstCpuTotal, 1),
(hvstMemoryHv, 0),
(hvstMemoryTotal, 0),
(hvstMemoryNode, 0)]
hvstsParameterTypes :: Map String VType
hvstsParameterTypes =
Map.fromList [(hvstMemoryTotal, VTypeInt),
(hvstMemoryNode, VTypeInt),
(hvstMemoryHv, VTypeInt),
(hvstCpuTotal, VTypeInt),
(hvstCpuNode, VTypeInt)]
-- * Disk state
dsDiskOverhead :: String
dsDiskOverhead = "disk_overhead"
dsDiskReserved :: String
dsDiskReserved = "disk_reserved"
dsDiskTotal :: String
dsDiskTotal = "disk_total"
dsDefaults :: Map String Int
dsDefaults =
[(dsDiskTotal, 0),
(dsDiskReserved, 0),
(dsDiskOverhead, 0)]
dssParameterTypes :: Map String VType
dssParameterTypes =
Map.fromList [(dsDiskTotal, VTypeInt),
(dsDiskReserved, VTypeInt),
(dsDiskOverhead, VTypeInt)]
dssParameters :: FrozenSet String
dssParameters =
ConstantUtils.mkSet [dsDiskTotal, dsDiskReserved, dsDiskOverhead]
dsValidTypes :: FrozenSet String
dsValidTypes = ConstantUtils.mkSet [Types.diskTemplateToRaw DTPlain]
-- Backend parameter names
beAlwaysFailover :: String
beAlwaysFailover = "always_failover"
beAutoBalance :: String
beAutoBalance = "auto_balance"
beMaxmem :: String
beMaxmem = "maxmem"
-- | Deprecated and replaced by max and min mem
beMemory :: String
beMemory = "memory"
beMinmem :: String
beMinmem = "minmem"
beSpindleUse :: String
beSpindleUse = "spindle_use"
beVcpus :: String
beVcpus = "vcpus"
besParameterTypes :: Map String VType
besParameterTypes =
Map.fromList [(beAlwaysFailover, VTypeBool),
(beAutoBalance, VTypeBool),
(beMaxmem, VTypeSize),
(beMinmem, VTypeSize),
(beSpindleUse, VTypeInt),
(beVcpus, VTypeInt)]
besParameterTitles :: Map String String
besParameterTitles =
Map.fromList [(beAutoBalance, "Auto_balance"),
(beMinmem, "ConfigMinMem"),
(beVcpus, "ConfigVCPUs"),
(beMaxmem, "ConfigMaxMem")]
besParameterCompat :: Map String VType
besParameterCompat = Map.insert beMemory VTypeSize besParameterTypes
besParameters :: FrozenSet String
besParameters =
ConstantUtils.mkSet [beAlwaysFailover,
-- | Instance specs
-- FIXME: these should be associated with 'Ganeti.HTools.Types.ISpec'
ispecMemSize :: String
ispecMemSize = ConstantUtils.ispecMemSize
ispecCpuCount :: String
ispecCpuCount = ConstantUtils.ispecCpuCount
ispecDiskCount :: String
ispecDiskCount = ConstantUtils.ispecDiskCount
ispecDiskSize :: String
ispecDiskSize = ConstantUtils.ispecDiskSize
ispecNicCount :: String
ispecNicCount = ConstantUtils.ispecNicCount
ispecSpindleUse :: String
ispecSpindleUse = ConstantUtils.ispecSpindleUse
ispecsParameterTypes :: Map String VType
ispecsParameterTypes =
[(ConstantUtils.ispecDiskSize, VTypeInt),
(ConstantUtils.ispecCpuCount, VTypeInt),
(ConstantUtils.ispecSpindleUse, VTypeInt),
(ConstantUtils.ispecMemSize, VTypeInt),
(ConstantUtils.ispecNicCount, VTypeInt),
(ConstantUtils.ispecDiskCount, VTypeInt)]
ispecsParameters :: FrozenSet String
ispecsParameters =
ConstantUtils.mkSet [ConstantUtils.ispecCpuCount,
ispecsMinmax :: String
ispecsMinmax = ConstantUtils.ispecsMinmax
ispecsMax :: String
ispecsMax = "max"
ispecsMin :: String
ispecsMin = "min"
ispecsStd :: String
ispecsStd = ConstantUtils.ispecsStd
ipolicyDts :: String
ipolicyDts = ConstantUtils.ipolicyDts
ipolicyVcpuRatio :: String
ipolicyVcpuRatio = ConstantUtils.ipolicyVcpuRatio
ipolicySpindleRatio :: String
ipolicySpindleRatio = ConstantUtils.ipolicySpindleRatio
ispecsMinmaxKeys :: FrozenSet String
ispecsMinmaxKeys = ConstantUtils.mkSet [ispecsMax, ispecsMin]
ipolicyParameters :: FrozenSet String
ipolicyParameters =
ConstantUtils.mkSet [ConstantUtils.ipolicyVcpuRatio,
ipolicyAllKeys :: FrozenSet String
ipolicyAllKeys =
ConstantUtils.union ipolicyParameters $
ConstantUtils.mkSet [ConstantUtils.ipolicyDts,
-- | Node parameter names
ndExclusiveStorage :: String
ndExclusiveStorage = "exclusive_storage"
ndOobProgram :: String
ndOobProgram = "oob_program"
ndSpindleCount :: String
ndSpindleCount = "spindle_count"
ndOvs :: String
ndOvs = "ovs"
ndOvsLink :: String
ndOvsLink = "ovs_link"
ndOvsName :: String
ndOvsName = "ovs_name"
ndSshPort :: String
ndSshPort = "ssh_port"
ndCpuSpeed :: String
ndCpuSpeed = "cpu_speed"
ndsParameterTypes :: Map String VType
ndsParameterTypes =
[(ndExclusiveStorage, VTypeBool),
(ndOobProgram, VTypeString),
(ndOvs, VTypeBool),
(ndOvsLink, VTypeMaybeString),
(ndOvsName, VTypeMaybeString),
(ndSpindleCount, VTypeInt),
(ndSshPort, VTypeInt),
(ndCpuSpeed, VTypeFloat)]
ndsParameters :: FrozenSet String
ndsParameters = ConstantUtils.mkSet (Map.keys ndsParameterTypes)
ndsParameterTitles :: Map String String
ndsParameterTitles =
[(ndExclusiveStorage, "ExclusiveStorage"),
(ndOobProgram, "OutOfBandProgram"),
(ndOvs, "OpenvSwitch"),
(ndOvsLink, "OpenvSwitchLink"),
(ndOvsName, "OpenvSwitchName"),
(ndSpindleCount, "SpindleCount")]
-- * Logical Disks parameters
ldpAccess :: String
ldpAccess = "access"
ldpBarriers :: String
ldpBarriers = "disabled-barriers"
ldpDefaultMetavg :: String
ldpDefaultMetavg = "default-metavg"
ldpDelayTarget :: String
ldpDelayTarget = "c-delay-target"
ldpDiskCustom :: String
ldpDiskCustom = "disk-custom"
ldpDynamicResync :: String
ldpDynamicResync = "dynamic-resync"
ldpFillTarget :: String
ldpFillTarget = "c-fill-target"
ldpMaxRate :: String
ldpMaxRate = "c-max-rate"
ldpMinRate :: String
ldpMinRate = "c-min-rate"
ldpNetCustom :: String
ldpNetCustom = "net-custom"
ldpNoMetaFlush :: String
ldpNoMetaFlush = "disable-meta-flush"
ldpPlanAhead :: String
ldpPlanAhead = "c-plan-ahead"
ldpPool :: String
ldpPool = "pool"
ldpProtocol :: String
ldpProtocol = "protocol"
ldpResyncRate :: String
ldpResyncRate = "resync-rate"
ldpStripes :: String
ldpStripes = "stripes"
diskLdTypes :: Map String VType
diskLdTypes =
[(ldpAccess, VTypeString),
(ldpResyncRate, VTypeInt),
(ldpStripes, VTypeInt),
(ldpBarriers, VTypeString),
(ldpNoMetaFlush, VTypeBool),
(ldpDefaultMetavg, VTypeString),
(ldpDiskCustom, VTypeString),
(ldpNetCustom, VTypeString),
(ldpProtocol, VTypeString),
(ldpDynamicResync, VTypeBool),
(ldpPlanAhead, VTypeInt),
(ldpFillTarget, VTypeInt),
(ldpDelayTarget, VTypeInt),
(ldpMaxRate, VTypeInt),
(ldpMinRate, VTypeInt),
(ldpPool, VTypeString)]
diskLdParameters :: FrozenSet String
diskLdParameters = ConstantUtils.mkSet (Map.keys diskLdTypes)
-- * Disk template parameters
-- Disk template parameters can be set/changed by the user via
-- gnt-cluster and gnt-group)
drbdResyncRate :: String
drbdResyncRate = "resync-rate"
drbdDataStripes :: String
drbdDataStripes = "data-stripes"
drbdMetaStripes :: String
drbdMetaStripes = "meta-stripes"
drbdDiskBarriers :: String
drbdDiskBarriers = "disk-barriers"
drbdMetaBarriers :: String
drbdMetaBarriers = "meta-barriers"
drbdDefaultMetavg :: String
drbdDefaultMetavg = "metavg"
drbdDiskCustom :: String
drbdDiskCustom = "disk-custom"
drbdNetCustom :: String
drbdNetCustom = "net-custom"
drbdProtocol :: String
drbdProtocol = "protocol"
drbdDynamicResync :: String
drbdDynamicResync = "dynamic-resync"
drbdPlanAhead :: String
drbdPlanAhead = "c-plan-ahead"
drbdFillTarget :: String
drbdFillTarget = "c-fill-target"
drbdDelayTarget :: String
drbdDelayTarget = "c-delay-target"
drbdMaxRate :: String
drbdMaxRate = "c-max-rate"
drbdMinRate :: String
drbdMinRate = "c-min-rate"
lvStripes :: String
lvStripes = "stripes"
rbdAccess :: String
rbdAccess = "access"
rbdPool :: String
rbdPool = "pool"
diskDtTypes :: Map String VType
diskDtTypes =
Map.fromList [(drbdResyncRate, VTypeInt),
(drbdDataStripes, VTypeInt),
(drbdMetaStripes, VTypeInt),
(drbdDiskBarriers, VTypeString),
(drbdMetaBarriers, VTypeBool),
(drbdDefaultMetavg, VTypeString),
(drbdDiskCustom, VTypeString),
(drbdNetCustom, VTypeString),
(drbdProtocol, VTypeString),
(drbdDynamicResync, VTypeBool),
(drbdPlanAhead, VTypeInt),
(drbdFillTarget, VTypeInt),
(drbdDelayTarget, VTypeInt),
(drbdMaxRate, VTypeInt),
(drbdMinRate, VTypeInt),
(lvStripes, VTypeInt),
(rbdAccess, VTypeString),
(rbdPool, VTypeString),
(glusterHost, VTypeString),
(glusterVolume, VTypeString),
(glusterPort, VTypeInt)
diskDtParameters :: FrozenSet String
diskDtParameters = ConstantUtils.mkSet (Map.keys diskDtTypes)
-- * Dynamic disk parameters
ddpLocalIp :: String
ddpLocalIp = "local-ip"
ddpRemoteIp :: String
ddpRemoteIp = "remote-ip"
ddpPort :: String
ddpPort = "port"
ddpLocalMinor :: String
ddpLocalMinor = "local-minor"
ddpRemoteMinor :: String
ddpRemoteMinor = "remote-minor"
-- * OOB supported commands
oobPowerOn :: String
oobPowerOn = Types.oobCommandToRaw OobPowerOn
oobPowerOff :: String
oobPowerOff = Types.oobCommandToRaw OobPowerOff
oobPowerCycle :: String
oobPowerCycle = Types.oobCommandToRaw OobPowerCycle
oobPowerStatus :: String
oobPowerStatus = Types.oobCommandToRaw OobPowerStatus
oobHealth :: String
oobHealth = Types.oobCommandToRaw OobHealth
oobCommands :: FrozenSet String
oobCommands = ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.oobCommandToRaw [minBound..]
oobPowerStatusPowered :: String
oobPowerStatusPowered = "powered"
-- | 60 seconds
oobTimeout :: Int
oobTimeout = 60
-- | 2 seconds
oobPowerDelay :: Double
oobPowerDelay = 2.0
oobStatusCritical :: String
oobStatusCritical = Types.oobStatusToRaw OobStatusCritical
oobStatusOk :: String
oobStatusOk = Types.oobStatusToRaw OobStatusOk
oobStatusUnknown :: String
oobStatusUnknown = Types.oobStatusToRaw OobStatusUnknown
oobStatusWarning :: String
oobStatusWarning = Types.oobStatusToRaw OobStatusWarning
oobStatuses :: FrozenSet String
oobStatuses = ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.oobStatusToRaw [minBound..]
-- | Instance Parameters Profile
ppDefault :: String
ppDefault = "default"
-- * nic* constants are used inside the ganeti config
nicLink :: String
nicLink = "link"
nicMode :: String
nicMode = "mode"
nicVlan :: String
nicVlan = "vlan"
nicsParameterTypes :: Map String VType
nicsParameterTypes =
Map.fromList [(nicMode, vtypeString),
(nicLink, vtypeString),
(nicVlan, vtypeString)]
nicsParameters :: FrozenSet String
nicsParameters = ConstantUtils.mkSet (Map.keys nicsParameterTypes)
nicModeBridged :: String
nicModeBridged = Types.nICModeToRaw NMBridged
nicModeRouted :: String
nicModeRouted = Types.nICModeToRaw NMRouted
nicModeOvs :: String
nicModeOvs = Types.nICModeToRaw NMOvs
nicIpPool :: String
nicIpPool = Types.nICModeToRaw NMPool
nicValidModes :: FrozenSet String
nicValidModes = ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.nICModeToRaw [minBound..]
releaseAction :: String
releaseAction = "release"
reserveAction :: String
reserveAction = "reserve"
-- * idisk* constants are used in opcodes, to create/change disks
idiskAdopt :: String
idiskAdopt = "adopt"
idiskMetavg :: String
idiskMetavg = "metavg"
idiskMode :: String
idiskMode = "mode"
idiskName :: String
idiskName = "name"
idiskSize :: String
idiskSize = "size"
idiskSpindles :: String
idiskSpindles = "spindles"
idiskVg :: String
idiskVg = "vg"
idiskProvider :: String
idiskProvider = "provider"
idiskAccess :: String
idiskAccess = "access"
idiskType :: String
idiskType = "dev_type"
idiskParamsTypes :: Map String VType
idiskParamsTypes =
Map.fromList [ (idiskSize, VTypeSize)
, (idiskSpindles, VTypeInt)
, (idiskMode, VTypeString)
, (idiskAdopt, VTypeString)
, (idiskVg, VTypeString)
, (idiskMetavg, VTypeString)
, (idiskProvider, VTypeString)
, (idiskAccess, VTypeString)
, (idiskName, VTypeMaybeString)
, (idiskType, VTypeString)
idiskParams :: FrozenSet String
idiskParams = ConstantUtils.mkSet (Map.keys idiskParamsTypes)
modifiableIdiskParamsTypes :: Map String VType
modifiableIdiskParamsTypes =
Map.fromList [(idiskMode, VTypeString),
(idiskName, VTypeString)]
modifiableIdiskParams :: FrozenSet String
modifiableIdiskParams =
ConstantUtils.mkSet (Map.keys modifiableIdiskParamsTypes)
-- * inic* constants are used in opcodes, to create/change nics
inicBridge :: String
inicBridge = "bridge"
inicIp :: String
inicIp = "ip"
inicLink :: String
inicLink = "link"
inicMac :: String
inicMac = "mac"
inicMode :: String
inicMode = "mode"
inicName :: String
inicName = "name"
inicNetwork :: String
inicNetwork = "network"
inicVlan :: String
inicVlan = "vlan"
inicParamsTypes :: Map String VType
inicParamsTypes =
Map.fromList [(inicBridge, VTypeMaybeString),
(inicIp, VTypeMaybeString),
(inicLink, VTypeString),
(inicMac, VTypeString),
(inicMode, VTypeString),
(inicName, VTypeMaybeString),
(inicNetwork, VTypeMaybeString),
(inicVlan, VTypeMaybeString)]
inicParams :: FrozenSet String
inicParams = ConstantUtils.mkSet (Map.keys inicParamsTypes)
-- * Hypervisor constants
htXenPvm :: String
htXenPvm = Types.hypervisorToRaw XenPvm
htFake :: String
htFake = Types.hypervisorToRaw Fake
htXenHvm :: String
htXenHvm = Types.hypervisorToRaw XenHvm
htKvm :: String
htKvm = Types.hypervisorToRaw Kvm
htChroot :: String
htChroot = Types.hypervisorToRaw Chroot
htLxc :: String
htLxc = Types.hypervisorToRaw Lxc
hyperTypes :: FrozenSet String
hyperTypes = ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.hypervisorToRaw [minBound..]
htsReqPort :: FrozenSet String
htsReqPort = ConstantUtils.mkSet [htXenHvm, htKvm]
vncBasePort :: Int
vncBasePort = 5900
vncDefaultBindAddress :: String
vncDefaultBindAddress = ip4AddressAny
-- * NIC types
htNicE1000 :: String
htNicE1000 = "e1000"
htNicI82551 :: String
htNicI82551 = "i82551"
htNicI8259er :: String
htNicI8259er = "i82559er"
htNicI85557b :: String
htNicI85557b = "i82557b"
htNicNe2kIsa :: String
htNicNe2kIsa = "ne2k_isa"
htNicNe2kPci :: String
htNicNe2kPci = "ne2k_pci"
htNicParavirtual :: String
htNicParavirtual = "paravirtual"
htNicPcnet :: String
htNicPcnet = "pcnet"
htNicRtl8139 :: String
htNicRtl8139 = "rtl8139"
htHvmValidNicTypes :: FrozenSet String
htHvmValidNicTypes =
ConstantUtils.mkSet [htNicE1000,
htKvmValidNicTypes :: FrozenSet String
htKvmValidNicTypes =
ConstantUtils.mkSet [htNicE1000,
-- * Vif types
-- | Default vif type in xen-hvm
htHvmVifIoemu :: String
htHvmVifIoemu = "ioemu"
htHvmVifVif :: String
htHvmVifVif = "vif"
htHvmValidVifTypes :: FrozenSet String
htHvmValidVifTypes = ConstantUtils.mkSet [htHvmVifIoemu, htHvmVifVif]
-- * Disk types
htDiskIde :: String
htDiskIde = "ide"
htDiskIoemu :: String
htDiskIoemu = "ioemu"
htDiskMtd :: String
htDiskMtd = "mtd"
htDiskParavirtual :: String
htDiskParavirtual = "paravirtual"
htDiskPflash :: String
htDiskPflash = "pflash"
htDiskScsi :: String
htDiskScsi = "scsi"
htDiskSd :: String
htDiskSd = "sd"
htHvmValidDiskTypes :: FrozenSet String
htHvmValidDiskTypes = ConstantUtils.mkSet [htDiskIoemu, htDiskParavirtual]
htKvmValidDiskTypes :: FrozenSet String
htKvmValidDiskTypes =
ConstantUtils.mkSet [htDiskIde,
htCacheDefault :: String
htCacheDefault = "default"
htCacheNone :: String
htCacheNone = "none"
htCacheWback :: String
htCacheWback = "writeback"
htCacheWthrough :: String
htCacheWthrough = "writethrough"
htValidCacheTypes :: FrozenSet String
htValidCacheTypes =
ConstantUtils.mkSet [htCacheDefault,
htKvmAioThreads :: String
htKvmAioThreads = "threads"
htKvmAioNative :: String
htKvmAioNative = "native"
htKvmValidAioTypes :: FrozenSet String
htKvmValidAioTypes =
ConstantUtils.mkSet [htKvmAioThreads,
-- * Mouse types
htMouseMouse :: String
htMouseMouse = "mouse"
htMouseTablet :: String
htMouseTablet = "tablet"
htKvmValidMouseTypes :: FrozenSet String
htKvmValidMouseTypes = ConstantUtils.mkSet [htMouseMouse, htMouseTablet]
-- * Boot order
htBoCdrom :: String
htBoCdrom = "cdrom"
htBoDisk :: String
htBoDisk = "disk"
htBoFloppy :: String
htBoFloppy = "floppy"
htBoNetwork :: String
htBoNetwork = "network"
htKvmValidBoTypes :: FrozenSet String
htKvmValidBoTypes =
ConstantUtils.mkSet [htBoCdrom, htBoDisk, htBoFloppy, htBoNetwork]
-- * SPICE lossless image compression options
htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprAutoGlz :: String
htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprAutoGlz = "auto_glz"
htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprAutoLz :: String
htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprAutoLz = "auto_lz"
htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprGlz :: String
htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprGlz = "glz"
htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprLz :: String
htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprLz = "lz"
htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprOff :: String
htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprOff = "off"
htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprQuic :: String
htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprQuic = "quic"
htKvmSpiceValidLosslessImgComprOptions :: FrozenSet String
htKvmSpiceValidLosslessImgComprOptions =
ConstantUtils.mkSet [htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprAutoGlz,
htKvmSpiceLossyImgComprAlways :: String
htKvmSpiceLossyImgComprAlways = "always"
htKvmSpiceLossyImgComprAuto :: String
htKvmSpiceLossyImgComprAuto = "auto"
htKvmSpiceLossyImgComprNever :: String
htKvmSpiceLossyImgComprNever = "never"
htKvmSpiceValidLossyImgComprOptions :: FrozenSet String
htKvmSpiceValidLossyImgComprOptions =
ConstantUtils.mkSet [htKvmSpiceLossyImgComprAlways,
-- * SPICE video stream detection
htKvmSpiceVideoStreamDetectionAll :: String
htKvmSpiceVideoStreamDetectionAll = "all"
htKvmSpiceVideoStreamDetectionFilter :: String
htKvmSpiceVideoStreamDetectionFilter = "filter"
htKvmSpiceVideoStreamDetectionOff :: String
htKvmSpiceVideoStreamDetectionOff = "off"
htKvmSpiceValidVideoStreamDetectionOptions :: FrozenSet String
htKvmSpiceValidVideoStreamDetectionOptions =
ConstantUtils.mkSet [htKvmSpiceVideoStreamDetectionAll,
-- * Security models
htSmNone :: String
htSmNone = "none"
htSmPool :: String
htSmPool = "pool"
htSmUser :: String
htSmUser = "user"
htKvmValidSmTypes :: FrozenSet String
htKvmValidSmTypes = ConstantUtils.mkSet [htSmNone, htSmPool, htSmUser]
-- * Kvm flag values
htKvmDisabled :: String
htKvmDisabled = "disabled"
htKvmEnabled :: String
htKvmEnabled = "enabled"
htKvmFlagValues :: FrozenSet String
htKvmFlagValues = ConstantUtils.mkSet [htKvmDisabled, htKvmEnabled]
-- * Migration type
htMigrationLive :: String
htMigrationLive = Types.migrationModeToRaw MigrationLive
htMigrationNonlive :: String
htMigrationNonlive = Types.migrationModeToRaw MigrationNonLive
htMigrationModes :: FrozenSet String
htMigrationModes =
ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.migrationModeToRaw [minBound..]
-- * Cluster verify steps
verifyNplusoneMem :: String
verifyNplusoneMem = Types.verifyOptionalChecksToRaw VerifyNPlusOneMem
verifyOptionalChecks :: FrozenSet String
verifyOptionalChecks =
ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.verifyOptionalChecksToRaw [minBound..]
-- * Cluster Verify error classes
cvTcluster :: String
cvTcluster = "cluster"
cvTgroup :: String
cvTgroup = "group"
cvTnode :: String
cvTnode = "node"
cvTinstance :: String
cvTinstance = "instance"
-- * Cluster Verify error levels
cvWarning :: String
cvWarning = "WARNING"
cvError :: String
cvError = "ERROR"
-- * Cluster Verify error codes and documentation
cvEclustercert :: (String, String, String)
cvEclustercert =
Types.cVErrorCodeToRaw CvECLUSTERCERT,
"Cluster certificate files verification failure")
cvEclusterclientcert :: (String, String, String)
cvEclusterclientcert =
"Cluster client certificate files verification failure")
cvEclustercfg :: (String, String, String)
cvEclustercfg =
Types.cVErrorCodeToRaw CvECLUSTERCFG,
"Cluster configuration verification failure")
cvEclusterdanglinginst :: (String, String, String)
cvEclusterdanglinginst =
"Some instances have a non-existing primary node")
cvEclusterdanglingnodes :: (String, String, String)
cvEclusterdanglingnodes =
"Some nodes belong to non-existing groups")
cvEclusterfilecheck :: (String, String, String)
cvEclusterfilecheck =
"Cluster configuration verification failure")
cvEgroupdifferentpvsize :: (String, String, String)
cvEgroupdifferentpvsize =
"PVs in the group have different sizes")
cvEinstancebadnode :: (String, String, String)
cvEinstancebadnode =
"Instance marked as running lives on an offline node")
cvEinstancedown :: (String, String, String)
cvEinstancedown =
"Instance not running on its primary node")
cvEinstancefaultydisk :: (String, String, String)
cvEinstancefaultydisk =
"Impossible to retrieve status for a disk")
cvEinstancelayout :: (String, String, String)
cvEinstancelayout =
"Instance has multiple secondary nodes")
cvEinstancemissingcfgparameter :: (String, String, String)
cvEinstancemissingcfgparameter =
"A configuration parameter for an instance is missing")
cvEinstancemissingdisk :: (String, String, String)
cvEinstancemissingdisk =
"Missing volume on an instance")
cvEinstancepolicy :: (String, String, String)
cvEinstancepolicy =
"Instance does not meet policy")
cvEinstancesplitgroups :: (String, String, String)
cvEinstancesplitgroups =
"Instance with primary and secondary nodes in different groups")
cvEinstanceunsuitablenode :: (String, String, String)
cvEinstanceunsuitablenode =
"Instance running on nodes that are not suitable for it")
cvEinstancewrongnode :: (String, String, String)
cvEinstancewrongnode =
"Instance running on the wrong node")
cvEnodedrbd :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodedrbd =
Types.cVErrorCodeToRaw CvENODEDRBD,
"Error parsing the DRBD status file")
cvEnodedrbdhelper :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodedrbdhelper =
"Error caused by the DRBD helper")
cvEnodedrbdversion :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodedrbdversion =
"DRBD version mismatch within a node group")
cvEnodefilecheck :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodefilecheck =
"Error retrieving the checksum of the node files")
cvEnodefilestoragepaths :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodefilestoragepaths =
"Detected bad file storage paths")
cvEnodefilestoragepathunusable :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodefilestoragepathunusable =
"File storage path unusable")
cvEnodehooks :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodehooks =
Types.cVErrorCodeToRaw CvENODEHOOKS,
"Communication failure in hooks execution")
cvEnodehv :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodehv =
Types.cVErrorCodeToRaw CvENODEHV,
"Hypervisor parameters verification failure")
cvEnodelvm :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodelvm =
Types.cVErrorCodeToRaw CvENODELVM,
"LVM-related node error")
cvEnoden1 :: (String, String, String)
cvEnoden1 =
Types.cVErrorCodeToRaw CvENODEN1,
"Not enough memory to accommodate instance failovers")
cvEnodenet :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodenet =
Types.cVErrorCodeToRaw CvENODENET,
"Network-related node error")
cvEnodeoobpath :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodeoobpath =
Types.cVErrorCodeToRaw CvENODEOOBPATH,
"Invalid Out Of Band path")
cvEnodeorphaninstance :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodeorphaninstance =
"Unknown intance running on a node")
cvEnodeorphanlv :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodeorphanlv =
"Unknown LVM logical volume")
cvEnodeos :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodeos =
Types.cVErrorCodeToRaw CvENODEOS,
"OS-related node error")
cvEnoderpc :: (String, String, String)
cvEnoderpc =
Types.cVErrorCodeToRaw CvENODERPC,
"Error during connection to the primary node of an instance")
cvEnodesetup :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodesetup =
Types.cVErrorCodeToRaw CvENODESETUP,
"Node setup error")
cvEnodesharedfilestoragepathunusable :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodesharedfilestoragepathunusable =
"Shared file storage path unusable")
cvEnodeglusterstoragepathunusable :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodeglusterstoragepathunusable =
"Gluster storage path unusable")
cvEnodessh :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodessh =
Types.cVErrorCodeToRaw CvENODESSH,
"SSH-related node error")
cvEnodetime :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodetime =
Types.cVErrorCodeToRaw CvENODETIME,
"Node returned invalid time")
cvEnodeuserscripts :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodeuserscripts =
"User scripts not present or not executable")
cvEnodeversion :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodeversion =
Types.cVErrorCodeToRaw CvENODEVERSION,
"Protocol version mismatch or Ganeti version mismatch")
cvAllEcodes :: FrozenSet (String, String, String)
cvAllEcodes =
cvAllEcodesStrings :: FrozenSet String
cvAllEcodesStrings =
ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.cVErrorCodeToRaw [minBound..]
-- * Node verify constants
nvBridges :: String
nvBridges = "bridges"
nvClientCert :: String
nvClientCert = "client-cert"
nvDrbdhelper :: String
nvDrbdhelper = "drbd-helper"
nvDrbdversion :: String
nvDrbdversion = "drbd-version"
nvDrbdlist :: String
nvDrbdlist = "drbd-list"
nvExclusivepvs :: String
nvExclusivepvs = "exclusive-pvs"
nvFilelist :: String
nvFilelist = "filelist"
nvAcceptedStoragePaths :: String
nvAcceptedStoragePaths = "allowed-file-storage-paths"
nvFileStoragePath :: String
nvFileStoragePath = "file-storage-path"
nvSharedFileStoragePath :: String
nvSharedFileStoragePath = "shared-file-storage-path"
nvGlusterStoragePath :: String
nvGlusterStoragePath = "gluster-storage-path"
nvHvinfo :: String
nvHvinfo = "hvinfo"
nvHvparams :: String
nvHvparams = "hvparms"
nvHypervisor :: String
nvHypervisor = "hypervisor"
nvInstancelist :: String
nvInstancelist = "instancelist"
nvLvlist :: String
nvLvlist = "lvlist"
nvMasterip :: String
nvMasterip = "master-ip"
nvNodelist :: String
nvNodelist = "nodelist"
nvNodenettest :: String
nvNodenettest = "node-net-test"
nvNodesetup :: String
nvNodesetup = "nodesetup"
nvOobPaths :: String
nvOobPaths = "oob-paths"
nvOslist :: String
nvOslist = "oslist"
nvPvlist :: String
nvPvlist = "pvlist"
nvTime :: String
nvTime = "time"
nvUserscripts :: String
nvUserscripts = "user-scripts"
nvVersion :: String
nvVersion = "version"
nvVglist :: String
nvVglist = "vglist"
nvNonvmnodes :: String
nvNonvmnodes = "nonvmnodes"
nvSshSetup :: String
nvSshSetup = "ssh-setup"
nvSshClutter :: String
nvSshClutter = "ssh-clutter"
-- * Instance status
inststAdmindown :: String
inststAdmindown = Types.instanceStatusToRaw StatusDown
inststAdminoffline :: String
inststAdminoffline = Types.instanceStatusToRaw StatusOffline
inststErrordown :: String
inststErrordown = Types.instanceStatusToRaw ErrorDown
inststErrorup :: String
inststErrorup = Types.instanceStatusToRaw ErrorUp
inststNodedown :: String
inststNodedown = Types.instanceStatusToRaw NodeDown
inststNodeoffline :: String
inststNodeoffline = Types.instanceStatusToRaw NodeOffline
inststRunning :: String
inststRunning = Types.instanceStatusToRaw Running
inststUserdown :: String
inststUserdown = Types.instanceStatusToRaw UserDown
inststWrongnode :: String
inststWrongnode = Types.instanceStatusToRaw WrongNode
inststAll :: FrozenSet String
inststAll = ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.instanceStatusToRaw [minBound..]
-- * Admin states
adminstDown :: String
adminstDown = Types.adminStateToRaw AdminDown
adminstOffline :: String
adminstOffline = Types.adminStateToRaw AdminOffline
adminstUp :: String
adminstUp = Types.adminStateToRaw AdminUp
adminstAll :: FrozenSet String
adminstAll = ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.adminStateToRaw [minBound..]
-- * Admin state sources
adminSource :: AdminStateSource
adminSource = AdminSource
userSource :: AdminStateSource
userSource = UserSource
adminStateSources :: FrozenSet AdminStateSource
adminStateSources = ConstantUtils.mkSet [minBound..]
-- * Node roles
nrDrained :: String
nrDrained = Types.nodeRoleToRaw NRDrained
nrMaster :: String
nrMaster = Types.nodeRoleToRaw NRMaster
nrMcandidate :: String
nrMcandidate = Types.nodeRoleToRaw NRCandidate
nrOffline :: String
nrOffline = Types.nodeRoleToRaw NROffline
nrRegular :: String
nrRegular = Types.nodeRoleToRaw NRRegular
nrAll :: FrozenSet String
nrAll = ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.nodeRoleToRaw [minBound..]
-- * SSL certificate check constants (in days)
sslCertExpirationError :: Int
sslCertExpirationError = 7
sslCertExpirationWarn :: Int
sslCertExpirationWarn = 30
-- * Allocator framework constants
iallocatorVersion :: Int
iallocatorVersion = 2
iallocatorDirIn :: String
iallocatorDirIn = Types.iAllocatorTestDirToRaw IAllocatorDirIn
iallocatorDirOut :: String
iallocatorDirOut = Types.iAllocatorTestDirToRaw IAllocatorDirOut
validIallocatorDirections :: FrozenSet String
validIallocatorDirections =
ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.iAllocatorTestDirToRaw [minBound..]
iallocatorModeAlloc :: String
iallocatorModeAlloc = Types.iAllocatorModeToRaw IAllocatorAlloc
iallocatorModeChgGroup :: String
iallocatorModeChgGroup = Types.iAllocatorModeToRaw IAllocatorChangeGroup
iallocatorModeMultiAlloc :: String
iallocatorModeMultiAlloc = Types.iAllocatorModeToRaw IAllocatorMultiAlloc
iallocatorModeNodeEvac :: String
iallocatorModeNodeEvac = Types.iAllocatorModeToRaw IAllocatorNodeEvac
iallocatorModeReloc :: String
iallocatorModeReloc = Types.iAllocatorModeToRaw IAllocatorReloc
validIallocatorModes :: FrozenSet String
validIallocatorModes =
ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.iAllocatorModeToRaw [minBound..]
iallocatorSearchPath :: [String]
iallocatorSearchPath = AutoConf.iallocatorSearchPath
defaultIallocatorShortcut :: String
defaultIallocatorShortcut = "."
-- * Opportunistic allocator usage
-- | Time delay in seconds between repeated opportunistic instance creations.
-- Rather than failing with an informative error message if the opportunistic
-- creation cannot grab enough nodes, for some uses it is better to retry the
-- creation with an interval between attempts. This is a reasonable default.
defaultOpportunisticRetryInterval :: Int
defaultOpportunisticRetryInterval = 30
-- * Node evacuation
nodeEvacPri :: String
nodeEvacPri = Types.evacModeToRaw ChangePrimary
nodeEvacSec :: String
nodeEvacSec = Types.evacModeToRaw ChangeSecondary
nodeEvacAll :: String
nodeEvacAll = Types.evacModeToRaw ChangeAll
nodeEvacModes :: FrozenSet String
nodeEvacModes = ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.evacModeToRaw [minBound..]
-- * Job queue
jobQueueVersion :: Int
jobQueueVersion = 1
jobQueueSizeHardLimit :: Int
jobQueueSizeHardLimit = 5000
jobQueueFilesPerms :: Int
jobQueueFilesPerms = 0o640
-- * Unchanged job return
jobNotchanged :: String
jobNotchanged = "nochange"
-- * Job status
jobStatusQueued :: String
jobStatusQueued = Types.jobStatusToRaw JOB_STATUS_QUEUED
jobStatusWaiting :: String
jobStatusWaiting = Types.jobStatusToRaw JOB_STATUS_WAITING
jobStatusCanceling :: String
jobStatusCanceling = Types.jobStatusToRaw JOB_STATUS_CANCELING
jobStatusRunning :: String
jobStatusRunning = Types.jobStatusToRaw JOB_STATUS_RUNNING
jobStatusCanceled :: String
jobStatusCanceled = Types.jobStatusToRaw JOB_STATUS_CANCELED
jobStatusSuccess :: String
jobStatusSuccess = Types.jobStatusToRaw JOB_STATUS_SUCCESS
jobStatusError :: String
jobStatusError = Types.jobStatusToRaw JOB_STATUS_ERROR
jobsPending :: FrozenSet String
jobsPending =
ConstantUtils.mkSet [jobStatusQueued, jobStatusWaiting, jobStatusCanceling]
jobsFinalized :: FrozenSet String
jobsFinalized =
ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.finalizedJobStatusToRaw [minBound..]
jobStatusAll :: FrozenSet String
jobStatusAll = ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.jobStatusToRaw [minBound..]
-- * OpCode status
-- ** Not yet finalized opcodes
opStatusCanceling :: String
opStatusCanceling = "canceling"
opStatusQueued :: String
opStatusQueued = "queued"
opStatusRunning :: String
opStatusRunning = "running"
opStatusWaiting :: String
opStatusWaiting = "waiting"
-- ** Finalized opcodes
opStatusCanceled :: String
opStatusCanceled = "canceled"
opStatusError :: String
opStatusError = "error"
opStatusSuccess :: String
opStatusSuccess = "success"
opsFinalized :: FrozenSet String
opsFinalized =
ConstantUtils.mkSet [opStatusCanceled, opStatusError, opStatusSuccess]
-- * OpCode priority
opPrioLowest :: Int
opPrioLowest = 19
opPrioHighest :: Int
opPrioHighest = -20
opPrioLow :: Int
opPrioLow = Types.opSubmitPriorityToRaw OpPrioLow
opPrioNormal :: Int
opPrioNormal = Types.opSubmitPriorityToRaw OpPrioNormal
opPrioHigh :: Int
opPrioHigh = Types.opSubmitPriorityToRaw OpPrioHigh
opPrioSubmitValid :: FrozenSet Int
opPrioSubmitValid = ConstantUtils.mkSet [opPrioLow, opPrioNormal, opPrioHigh]
opPrioDefault :: Int
opPrioDefault = opPrioNormal
-- * Lock recalculate mode
locksAppend :: String
locksAppend = "append"
locksReplace :: String
locksReplace = "replace"
-- * Lock timeout
-- The lock timeout (sum) before we transition into blocking acquire
-- (this can still be reset by priority change). Computed as max time
-- (10 hours) before we should actually go into blocking acquire,
-- given that we start from the default priority level.
lockAttemptsMaxwait :: Double
lockAttemptsMaxwait = 75.0
lockAttemptsMinwait :: Double
lockAttemptsMinwait = 5.0
lockAttemptsTimeout :: Int
lockAttemptsTimeout = (10 * 3600) `div` (opPrioDefault - opPrioHighest)
-- * Execution log types
elogMessage :: String
elogMessage = Types.eLogTypeToRaw ELogMessage
elogRemoteImport :: String
elogRemoteImport = Types.eLogTypeToRaw ELogRemoteImport
elogJqueueTest :: String
elogJqueueTest = Types.eLogTypeToRaw ELogJqueueTest
elogDelayTest :: String
elogDelayTest = Types.eLogTypeToRaw ELogDelayTest
-- * /etc/hosts modification
etcHostsAdd :: String
etcHostsAdd = "add"
etcHostsRemove :: String
etcHostsRemove = "remove"
-- * Job queue test
jqtMsgprefix :: String
jqtMsgprefix = "TESTMSG="
jqtExec :: String
jqtExec = "exec"
jqtExpandnames :: String
jqtExpandnames = "expandnames"
jqtLogmsg :: String
jqtLogmsg = "logmsg"
jqtStartmsg :: String
jqtStartmsg = "startmsg"
jqtAll :: FrozenSet String
jqtAll = ConstantUtils.mkSet [jqtExec, jqtExpandnames, jqtLogmsg, jqtStartmsg]
-- * Query resources
qrCluster :: String
qrCluster = "cluster"
qrExport :: String
qrExport = "export"
qrExtstorage :: String
qrExtstorage = "extstorage"
qrGroup :: String
qrGroup = "group"
qrInstance :: String
qrInstance = "instance"
qrJob :: String
qrJob = "job"
qrLock :: String
qrLock = "lock"
qrNetwork :: String
qrNetwork = "network"
qrFilter :: String
qrFilter = "filter"
qrNode :: String
qrNode = "node"
qrOs :: String
qrOs = "os"
-- | List of resources which can be queried using 'Ganeti.OpCodes.OpQuery'
qrViaOp :: FrozenSet String
qrViaOp =
ConstantUtils.mkSet [qrCluster,
-- | List of resources which can be queried using Local UniX Interface
qrViaLuxi :: FrozenSet String
qrViaLuxi = ConstantUtils.mkSet [qrGroup,
-- | List of resources which can be queried using RAPI
qrViaRapi :: FrozenSet String
qrViaRapi = qrViaLuxi
-- | List of resources which can be queried via RAPI including PUT requests
qrViaRapiPut :: FrozenSet String
qrViaRapiPut = ConstantUtils.mkSet [qrLock, qrJob, qrFilter]
-- * Query field types
qftBool :: String
qftBool = "bool"
qftNumber :: String
qftNumber = "number"
qftNumberFloat :: String
qftNumberFloat = "float"
qftOther :: String
qftOther = "other"
qftText :: String
qftText = "text"
qftTimestamp :: String
qftTimestamp = "timestamp"
qftUnit :: String
qftUnit = "unit"
qftUnknown :: String
qftUnknown = "unknown"
qftAll :: FrozenSet String
qftAll =
ConstantUtils.mkSet [qftBool,
-- * Query result field status
-- Don't change or reuse values as they're used by clients.
-- FIXME: link with 'Ganeti.Query.Language.ResultStatus'
-- | No data (e.g. RPC error), can be used instead of 'rsOffline'
rsNodata :: Int
rsNodata = 2
rsNormal :: Int
rsNormal = 0
-- | Resource marked offline
rsOffline :: Int
rsOffline = 4
-- | Value unavailable/unsupported for item; if this field is
-- supported but we cannot get the data for the moment, 'rsNodata' or
-- 'rsOffline' should be used
rsUnavail :: Int
rsUnavail = 3
rsUnknown :: Int
rsUnknown = 1
rsAll :: FrozenSet Int
rsAll =
ConstantUtils.mkSet [rsNodata,
-- | Special field cases and their verbose/terse formatting
rssDescription :: Map Int (String, String)
rssDescription =
Map.fromList [(rsUnknown, ("(unknown)", "??")),
(rsNodata, ("(nodata)", "?")),
(rsOffline, ("(offline)", "*")),
(rsUnavail, ("(unavail)", "-"))]
-- * Max dynamic devices
maxDisks :: Int
maxDisks = Types.maxDisks
maxNics :: Int
maxNics = Types.maxNics
-- | SSCONF file prefix
ssconfFileprefix :: String
ssconfFileprefix = "ssconf_"
-- * SSCONF keys
ssClusterName :: String
ssClusterName = "cluster_name"
ssClusterTags :: String
ssClusterTags = "cluster_tags"
ssFileStorageDir :: String
ssFileStorageDir = "file_storage_dir"
ssSharedFileStorageDir :: String
ssSharedFileStorageDir = "shared_file_storage_dir"
ssGlusterStorageDir :: String
ssGlusterStorageDir = "gluster_storage_dir"
ssMasterCandidates :: String
ssMasterCandidates = "master_candidates"
ssMasterCandidatesIps :: String
ssMasterCandidatesIps = "master_candidates_ips"
ssMasterCandidatesCerts :: String
ssMasterCandidatesCerts = "master_candidates_certs"
ssMasterIp :: String
ssMasterIp = "master_ip"
ssMasterNetdev :: String
ssMasterNetdev = "master_netdev"
ssMasterNetmask :: String
ssMasterNetmask = "master_netmask"
ssMasterNode :: String
ssMasterNode = "master_node"
ssNodeList :: String
ssNodeList = "node_list"
ssNodePrimaryIps :: String
ssNodePrimaryIps = "node_primary_ips"
ssNodeSecondaryIps :: String
ssNodeSecondaryIps = "node_secondary_ips"
ssNodeVmCapable :: String
ssNodeVmCapable = "node_vm_capable"
ssOfflineNodes :: String
ssOfflineNodes = "offline_nodes"
ssOnlineNodes :: String
ssOnlineNodes = "online_nodes"
ssPrimaryIpFamily :: String
ssPrimaryIpFamily = "primary_ip_family"
ssInstanceList :: String
ssInstanceList = "instance_list"
ssReleaseVersion :: String
ssReleaseVersion = "release_version"
ssHypervisorList :: String
ssHypervisorList = "hypervisor_list"
ssMaintainNodeHealth :: String
ssMaintainNodeHealth = "maintain_node_health"
ssUidPool :: String
ssUidPool = "uid_pool"
ssNodegroups :: String
ssNodegroups = "nodegroups"
ssNetworks :: String
ssNetworks = "networks"
-- | This is not a complete SSCONF key, but the prefix for the
-- hypervisor keys
ssHvparamsPref :: String
ssHvparamsPref = "hvparams_"
-- * Hvparams keys
ssHvparamsXenChroot :: String
ssHvparamsXenChroot = ssHvparamsPref ++ htChroot
ssHvparamsXenFake :: String
ssHvparamsXenFake = ssHvparamsPref ++ htFake
ssHvparamsXenHvm :: String
ssHvparamsXenHvm = ssHvparamsPref ++ htXenHvm
ssHvparamsXenKvm :: String
ssHvparamsXenKvm = ssHvparamsPref ++ htKvm
ssHvparamsXenLxc :: String
ssHvparamsXenLxc = ssHvparamsPref ++ htLxc
ssHvparamsXenPvm :: String
ssHvparamsXenPvm = ssHvparamsPref ++ htXenPvm
validSsHvparamsKeys :: FrozenSet String
validSsHvparamsKeys =
ConstantUtils.mkSet [ssHvparamsXenChroot,
ssFilePerms :: Int
ssFilePerms = 0o444
ssEnabledUserShutdown :: String
ssEnabledUserShutdown = "enabled_user_shutdown"
ssSshPorts :: String
ssSshPorts = "ssh_ports"
-- | Cluster wide default parameters
defaultEnabledHypervisor :: String
defaultEnabledHypervisor = htXenPvm
hvcDefaults :: Map Hypervisor (Map String PyValueEx)
hvcDefaults =
[ (XenPvm, Map.fromList
[ (hvUseBootloader, PyValueEx False)
, (hvBootloaderPath, PyValueEx xenBootloader)
, (hvBootloaderArgs, PyValueEx "")
, (hvKernelPath, PyValueEx xenKernel)
, (hvInitrdPath, PyValueEx "")
, (hvRootPath, PyValueEx "/dev/xvda1")
, (hvKernelArgs, PyValueEx "ro")
, (hvMigrationPort, PyValueEx (8002 :: Int))
, (hvMigrationMode, PyValueEx htMigrationLive)
, (hvBlockdevPrefix, PyValueEx "sd")
, (hvRebootBehavior, PyValueEx instanceRebootAllowed)
, (hvCpuMask, PyValueEx cpuPinningAll)
, (hvCpuCap, PyValueEx (0 :: Int))
, (hvCpuWeight, PyValueEx (256 :: Int))
, (hvVifScript, PyValueEx "")
, (hvXenCmd, PyValueEx xenCmdXm)
, (hvXenCpuid, PyValueEx "")
, (hvSoundhw, PyValueEx "")
, (XenHvm, Map.fromList
[ (hvBootOrder, PyValueEx "cd")
, (hvCdromImagePath, PyValueEx "")
, (hvNicType, PyValueEx htNicRtl8139)
, (hvDiskType, PyValueEx htDiskParavirtual)
, (hvVncBindAddress, PyValueEx ip4AddressAny)
, (hvAcpi, PyValueEx True)
, (hvPae, PyValueEx True)
, (hvKernelPath, PyValueEx "/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader")
, (hvDeviceModel, PyValueEx "/usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-dm")
, (hvMigrationPort, PyValueEx (8002 :: Int))
, (hvMigrationMode, PyValueEx htMigrationNonlive)
, (hvUseLocaltime, PyValueEx False)
, (hvBlockdevPrefix, PyValueEx "hd")
, (hvPassthrough, PyValueEx "")
, (hvRebootBehavior, PyValueEx instanceRebootAllowed)
, (hvCpuMask, PyValueEx cpuPinningAll)
, (hvCpuCap, PyValueEx (0 :: Int))
, (hvCpuWeight, PyValueEx (256 :: Int))
, (hvVifType, PyValueEx htHvmVifIoemu)
, (hvVifScript, PyValueEx "")
, (hvViridian, PyValueEx False)
, (hvXenCmd, PyValueEx xenCmdXm)
, (hvXenCpuid, PyValueEx "")
, (hvSoundhw, PyValueEx "")
, (Kvm, Map.fromList
[ (hvKvmPath, PyValueEx kvmPath)
, (hvKernelPath, PyValueEx kvmKernel)
, (hvInitrdPath, PyValueEx "")
, (hvKernelArgs, PyValueEx "ro")
, (hvRootPath, PyValueEx "/dev/vda1")
, (hvAcpi, PyValueEx True)
, (hvSerialConsole, PyValueEx True)
, (hvSerialSpeed, PyValueEx (38400 :: Int))
, (hvVncBindAddress, PyValueEx "")
, (hvVncTls, PyValueEx False)
, (hvVncX509, PyValueEx "")
, (hvVncX509Verify, PyValueEx False)
, (hvVncPasswordFile, PyValueEx "")
, (hvKvmSpiceBind, PyValueEx "")
, (hvKvmSpiceIpVersion, PyValueEx ifaceNoIpVersionSpecified)
, (hvKvmSpicePasswordFile, PyValueEx "")
, (hvKvmSpiceLosslessImgCompr, PyValueEx "")
, (hvKvmSpiceJpegImgCompr, PyValueEx "")
, (hvKvmSpiceZlibGlzImgCompr, PyValueEx "")
, (hvKvmSpiceStreamingVideoDetection, PyValueEx "")
, (hvKvmSpiceAudioCompr, PyValueEx True)
, (hvKvmSpiceUseTls, PyValueEx False)
, (hvKvmSpiceTlsCiphers, PyValueEx opensslCiphers)
, (hvKvmSpiceUseVdagent, PyValueEx True)
, (hvKvmFloppyImagePath, PyValueEx "")
, (hvCdromImagePath, PyValueEx "")
, (hvKvmCdrom2ImagePath, PyValueEx "")
, (hvBootOrder, PyValueEx htBoDisk)
, (hvNicType, PyValueEx htNicParavirtual)
, (hvDiskType, PyValueEx htDiskParavirtual)
, (hvKvmCdromDiskType, PyValueEx "")
, (hvKvmDiskAio, PyValueEx htKvmAioThreads)
, (hvUsbMouse, PyValueEx "")
, (hvKeymap, PyValueEx "")
, (hvMigrationPort, PyValueEx (8102 :: Int))
, (hvMigrationBandwidth, PyValueEx (32 :: Int))
, (hvMigrationDowntime, PyValueEx (30 :: Int))
, (hvMigrationMode, PyValueEx htMigrationLive)
, (hvUseLocaltime, PyValueEx False)
, (hvDiskCache, PyValueEx htCacheDefault)
, (hvSecurityModel, PyValueEx htSmNone)
, (hvSecurityDomain, PyValueEx "")
, (hvKvmFlag, PyValueEx "")
, (hvVhostNet, PyValueEx False)
, (hvVirtioNetQueues, PyValueEx (1 :: Int))
, (hvKvmUseChroot, PyValueEx False)
, (hvKvmUserShutdown, PyValueEx False)
, (hvMemPath, PyValueEx "")
, (hvRebootBehavior, PyValueEx instanceRebootAllowed)
, (hvCpuMask, PyValueEx cpuPinningAll)
, (hvCpuType, PyValueEx "")
, (hvCpuCores, PyValueEx (0 :: Int))
, (hvCpuThreads, PyValueEx (0 :: Int))
, (hvCpuSockets, PyValueEx (0 :: Int))
, (hvSoundhw, PyValueEx "")
, (hvUsbDevices, PyValueEx "")
, (hvVga, PyValueEx "")
, (hvKvmExtra, PyValueEx "")
, (hvKvmMachineVersion, PyValueEx "")
, (hvKvmMigrationCaps, PyValueEx "")
, (hvVnetHdr, PyValueEx True)])
, (Fake, Map.fromList [(hvMigrationMode, PyValueEx htMigrationLive)])
, (Chroot, Map.fromList [(hvInitScript, PyValueEx "/ganeti-chroot")])
, (Lxc, Map.fromList
[ (hvCpuMask, PyValueEx "")
, (hvLxcDevices, PyValueEx lxcDevicesDefault)
, (hvLxcDropCapabilities, PyValueEx lxcDropCapabilitiesDefault)
, (hvLxcExtraCgroups, PyValueEx "")
, (hvLxcExtraConfig, PyValueEx "")
, (hvLxcNumTtys, PyValueEx (6 :: Int))
, (hvLxcStartupTimeout, PyValueEx (30 :: Int))
hvcGlobals :: FrozenSet String
hvcGlobals =
ConstantUtils.mkSet [hvMigrationBandwidth,
becDefaults :: Map String PyValueEx
becDefaults =
[ (beMinmem, PyValueEx (128 :: Int))
, (beMaxmem, PyValueEx (128 :: Int))
, (beVcpus, PyValueEx (1 :: Int))
, (beAutoBalance, PyValueEx True)
, (beAlwaysFailover, PyValueEx False)
, (beSpindleUse, PyValueEx (1 :: Int))
ndcDefaults :: Map String PyValueEx
ndcDefaults =
[ (ndOobProgram, PyValueEx "")
, (ndSpindleCount, PyValueEx (1 :: Int))
, (ndExclusiveStorage, PyValueEx False)
, (ndOvs, PyValueEx False)
, (ndOvsName, PyValueEx defaultOvs)
, (ndOvsLink, PyValueEx "")
, (ndSshPort, PyValueEx (22 :: Int))
, (ndCpuSpeed, PyValueEx (1 :: Double))
ndcGlobals :: FrozenSet String
ndcGlobals = ConstantUtils.mkSet [ndExclusiveStorage]
-- | Default delay target measured in sectors
defaultDelayTarget :: Int
defaultDelayTarget = 1
defaultDiskCustom :: String
defaultDiskCustom = ""
defaultDiskResync :: Bool
defaultDiskResync = False
-- | Default fill target measured in sectors
defaultFillTarget :: Int
defaultFillTarget = 0
-- | Default mininum rate measured in KiB/s
defaultMinRate :: Int
defaultMinRate = 4 * 1024
defaultNetCustom :: String
defaultNetCustom = ""
-- | Default plan ahead measured in sectors
-- The default values for the DRBD dynamic resync speed algorithm are
-- taken from the drbsetup 8.3.11 man page, except for c-plan-ahead
-- (that we don't need to set to 0, because we have a separate option
-- to enable it) and for c-max-rate, that we cap to the default value
-- for the static resync rate.
defaultPlanAhead :: Int
defaultPlanAhead = 20
defaultRbdPool :: String
defaultRbdPool = "rbd"
diskLdDefaults :: Map DiskTemplate (Map String PyValueEx)
diskLdDefaults =
[ (DTBlock, Map.empty)
, (DTDrbd8, Map.fromList
[ (ldpBarriers, PyValueEx drbdBarriers)
, (ldpDefaultMetavg, PyValueEx defaultVg)
, (ldpDelayTarget, PyValueEx defaultDelayTarget)
, (ldpDiskCustom, PyValueEx defaultDiskCustom)
, (ldpDynamicResync, PyValueEx defaultDiskResync)
, (ldpFillTarget, PyValueEx defaultFillTarget)
, (ldpMaxRate, PyValueEx classicDrbdSyncSpeed)
, (ldpMinRate, PyValueEx defaultMinRate)
, (ldpNetCustom, PyValueEx defaultNetCustom)
, (ldpNoMetaFlush, PyValueEx drbdNoMetaFlush)
, (ldpPlanAhead, PyValueEx defaultPlanAhead)
, (ldpProtocol, PyValueEx drbdDefaultNetProtocol)
, (ldpResyncRate, PyValueEx classicDrbdSyncSpeed)
, (DTExt, Map.fromList
[ (ldpAccess, PyValueEx diskKernelspace)
, (DTFile, Map.empty)
, (DTPlain, Map.fromList [(ldpStripes, PyValueEx lvmStripecount)])
, (DTRbd, Map.fromList
[ (ldpPool, PyValueEx defaultRbdPool)
, (ldpAccess, PyValueEx diskKernelspace)
, (DTSharedFile, Map.empty)
, (DTGluster, Map.fromList
[ (rbdAccess, PyValueEx diskKernelspace)
, (glusterHost, PyValueEx glusterHostDefault)
, (glusterVolume, PyValueEx glusterVolumeDefault)
, (glusterPort, PyValueEx glusterPortDefault)
diskDtDefaults :: Map DiskTemplate (Map String PyValueEx)
diskDtDefaults =
[ (DTBlock, Map.empty)
, (DTDiskless, Map.empty)
, (DTDrbd8, Map.fromList
[ (drbdDataStripes, PyValueEx lvmStripecount)
, (drbdDefaultMetavg, PyValueEx defaultVg)
, (drbdDelayTarget, PyValueEx defaultDelayTarget)
, (drbdDiskBarriers, PyValueEx drbdBarriers)
, (drbdDiskCustom, PyValueEx defaultDiskCustom)
, (drbdDynamicResync, PyValueEx defaultDiskResync)
, (drbdFillTarget, PyValueEx defaultFillTarget)
, (drbdMaxRate, PyValueEx classicDrbdSyncSpeed)
, (drbdMetaBarriers, PyValueEx drbdNoMetaFlush)
, (drbdMetaStripes, PyValueEx lvmStripecount)
, (drbdMinRate, PyValueEx defaultMinRate)
, (drbdNetCustom, PyValueEx defaultNetCustom)
, (drbdPlanAhead, PyValueEx defaultPlanAhead)
, (drbdProtocol, PyValueEx drbdDefaultNetProtocol)
, (drbdResyncRate, PyValueEx classicDrbdSyncSpeed)
, (DTExt, Map.fromList
[ (rbdAccess, PyValueEx diskKernelspace)
, (DTFile, Map.empty)
, (DTPlain, Map.fromList [(lvStripes, PyValueEx lvmStripecount)])
, (DTRbd, Map.fromList
[ (rbdPool, PyValueEx defaultRbdPool)
, (rbdAccess, PyValueEx diskKernelspace)
, (DTSharedFile, Map.empty)
, (DTGluster, Map.fromList
[ (rbdAccess, PyValueEx diskKernelspace)
, (glusterHost, PyValueEx glusterHostDefault)
, (glusterVolume, PyValueEx glusterVolumeDefault)
, (glusterPort, PyValueEx glusterPortDefault)
niccDefaults :: Map String PyValueEx
niccDefaults =
[ (nicMode, PyValueEx nicModeBridged)
, (nicLink, PyValueEx defaultBridge)
, (nicVlan, PyValueEx "")
-- | All of the following values are quite arbitrary - there are no
-- "good" defaults, these must be customised per-site
ispecsMinmaxDefaults :: Map String (Map String Int)
ispecsMinmaxDefaults =
[(ConstantUtils.ispecMemSize, Types.iSpecMemorySize Types.defMinISpec),
(ConstantUtils.ispecCpuCount, Types.iSpecCpuCount Types.defMinISpec),
(ConstantUtils.ispecDiskCount, Types.iSpecDiskCount Types.defMinISpec),
(ConstantUtils.ispecDiskSize, Types.iSpecDiskSize Types.defMinISpec),
(ConstantUtils.ispecNicCount, Types.iSpecNicCount Types.defMinISpec),
(ConstantUtils.ispecSpindleUse, Types.iSpecSpindleUse Types.defMinISpec)]),
[(ConstantUtils.ispecMemSize, Types.iSpecMemorySize Types.defMaxISpec),
(ConstantUtils.ispecCpuCount, Types.iSpecCpuCount Types.defMaxISpec),
(ConstantUtils.ispecDiskCount, Types.iSpecDiskCount Types.defMaxISpec),
(ConstantUtils.ispecDiskSize, Types.iSpecDiskSize Types.defMaxISpec),
(ConstantUtils.ispecNicCount, Types.iSpecNicCount Types.defMaxISpec),
(ConstantUtils.ispecSpindleUse, Types.iSpecSpindleUse Types.defMaxISpec)])]
ipolicyDefaults :: Map String PyValueEx
ipolicyDefaults =
[ (ispecsMinmax, PyValueEx [ispecsMinmaxDefaults])
, (ispecsStd, PyValueEx (Map.fromList
[ (ispecMemSize, 128)
, (ispecCpuCount, 1)
, (ispecDiskCount, 1)
, (ispecDiskSize, 1024)
, (ispecNicCount, 1)
, (ispecSpindleUse, 1)
] :: Map String Int))
, (ipolicyDts, PyValueEx (ConstantUtils.toList diskTemplates))
, (ipolicyVcpuRatio, PyValueEx (4.0 :: Double))
, (ipolicySpindleRatio, PyValueEx (32.0 :: Double))
masterPoolSizeDefault :: Int
masterPoolSizeDefault = 10
-- * Exclusive storage
-- | Error margin used to compare physical disks
partMargin :: Double
partMargin = 0.01
-- | Space reserved when creating instance disks
partReserved :: Double
partReserved = 0.02
-- * Luxid job scheduling
-- | Time intervall in seconds for polling updates on the job queue. This
-- intervall is only relevant if the number of running jobs reaches the maximal
-- allowed number, as otherwise new jobs will be started immediately anyway.
-- Also, as jobs are watched via inotify, scheduling usually works independent
-- of polling. Therefore we chose a sufficiently large interval, in the order of
-- 5 minutes. As with the interval for reloading the configuration, we chose a
-- prime number to avoid accidental 'same wakeup' with other processes.
luxidJobqueuePollInterval :: Int
luxidJobqueuePollInterval = 307
-- | The default value for the maximal number of jobs to be running at the same
-- time. Once the maximal number is reached, new jobs will just be queued and
-- only started, once some of the other jobs have finished.
luxidMaximalRunningJobsDefault :: Int
luxidMaximalRunningJobsDefault = 20
-- | The default value for the maximal number of jobs that luxid tracks via
-- inotify. If the number of running jobs exceeds this limit (which only happens
-- if the user increases the default value of maximal running jobs), new forked
-- jobs are no longer tracked by inotify; progress will still be noticed on the
-- regular polls.
luxidMaximalTrackedJobsDefault :: Int
luxidMaximalTrackedJobsDefault = 25
-- | The number of retries when trying to @fork@ a new job.
-- Due to a bug in GHC, this can fail even though we synchronize all forks
-- and restrain from other @IO@ operations in the thread.
luxidRetryForkCount :: Int
luxidRetryForkCount = 5
-- | The average time period (in /us/) to wait between two @fork@ attempts.
-- The forking thread wait a random time period between @0@ and twice the
-- number, and with each attempt it doubles the step.
-- See 'luxidRetryForkCount'.
luxidRetryForkStepUS :: Int
luxidRetryForkStepUS = 500000
-- * Luxid job death testing
-- | The number of attempts to prove that a job is dead after sending it a
-- KILL signal.
luxidJobDeathDetectionRetries :: Int
luxidJobDeathDetectionRetries = 3
-- | Time to delay (in /us/) after unsucessfully verifying the death of a
-- job we believe to be dead. This is best choosen to be the average time
-- sending a SIGKILL to take effect.
luxidJobDeathDelay :: Int
luxidJobDeathDelay = 100000
-- * WConfD
-- | Time itnervall in seconds between checks that all lock owners are still
-- alive, and cleaning up the resources for the dead ones. As jobs dying without
-- releasing resources is the exception, not the rule, we don't want this task
-- to take up too many cycles itself. Hence we choose a sufficiently large
-- intervall, in the order of 5 minutes. To avoid accidental 'same wakeup'
-- with other tasks, we choose the next unused prime number.
wconfdDeathdetectionIntervall :: Int
wconfdDeathdetectionIntervall = 311
wconfdDefCtmo :: Int
wconfdDefCtmo = 10
wconfdDefRwto :: Int
wconfdDefRwto = 60
-- | The prefix of the WConfD livelock file name.
wconfLivelockPrefix :: String
wconfLivelockPrefix = "wconf-daemon"
-- * Confd
confdProtocolVersion :: Int
confdProtocolVersion = ConstantUtils.confdProtocolVersion
-- Confd request type
confdReqPing :: Int
confdReqPing = Types.confdRequestTypeToRaw ReqPing
confdReqNodeRoleByname :: Int
confdReqNodeRoleByname = Types.confdRequestTypeToRaw ReqNodeRoleByName
confdReqNodePipByInstanceIp :: Int
confdReqNodePipByInstanceIp = Types.confdRequestTypeToRaw ReqNodePipByInstPip
confdReqClusterMaster :: Int
confdReqClusterMaster = Types.confdRequestTypeToRaw ReqClusterMaster
confdReqNodePipList :: Int
confdReqNodePipList = Types.confdRequestTypeToRaw ReqNodePipList
confdReqMcPipList :: Int
confdReqMcPipList = Types.confdRequestTypeToRaw ReqMcPipList
confdReqInstancesIpsList :: Int
confdReqInstancesIpsList = Types.confdRequestTypeToRaw ReqInstIpsList
confdReqNodeDrbd :: Int
confdReqNodeDrbd = Types.confdRequestTypeToRaw ReqNodeDrbd
confdReqNodeInstances :: Int
confdReqNodeInstances = Types.confdRequestTypeToRaw ReqNodeInstances
confdReqInstanceDisks :: Int
confdReqInstanceDisks = Types.confdRequestTypeToRaw ReqInstanceDisks
confdReqConfigQuery :: Int
confdReqConfigQuery = Types.confdRequestTypeToRaw ReqConfigQuery
confdReqDataCollectors :: Int
confdReqDataCollectors = Types.confdRequestTypeToRaw ReqDataCollectors
confdReqs :: FrozenSet Int
confdReqs =
ConstantUtils.mkSet .
map Types.confdRequestTypeToRaw $
[minBound..] \\ [ReqNodeInstances]
-- * Confd request type
confdReqfieldName :: Int
confdReqfieldName = Types.confdReqFieldToRaw ReqFieldName
confdReqfieldIp :: Int
confdReqfieldIp = Types.confdReqFieldToRaw ReqFieldIp
confdReqfieldMnodePip :: Int
confdReqfieldMnodePip = Types.confdReqFieldToRaw ReqFieldMNodePip
-- * Confd repl status
confdReplStatusOk :: Int
confdReplStatusOk = Types.confdReplyStatusToRaw ReplyStatusOk
confdReplStatusError :: Int
confdReplStatusError = Types.confdReplyStatusToRaw ReplyStatusError
confdReplStatusNotimplemented :: Int
confdReplStatusNotimplemented = Types.confdReplyStatusToRaw ReplyStatusNotImpl
confdReplStatuses :: FrozenSet Int
confdReplStatuses =
ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.confdReplyStatusToRaw [minBound..]
-- * Confd node role
confdNodeRoleMaster :: Int
confdNodeRoleMaster = Types.confdNodeRoleToRaw NodeRoleMaster
confdNodeRoleCandidate :: Int
confdNodeRoleCandidate = Types.confdNodeRoleToRaw NodeRoleCandidate
confdNodeRoleOffline :: Int
confdNodeRoleOffline = Types.confdNodeRoleToRaw NodeRoleOffline
confdNodeRoleDrained :: Int
confdNodeRoleDrained = Types.confdNodeRoleToRaw NodeRoleDrained
confdNodeRoleRegular :: Int
confdNodeRoleRegular = Types.confdNodeRoleToRaw NodeRoleRegular
-- * A few common errors for confd
confdErrorUnknownEntry :: Int
confdErrorUnknownEntry = Types.confdErrorTypeToRaw ConfdErrorUnknownEntry
confdErrorInternal :: Int
confdErrorInternal = Types.confdErrorTypeToRaw ConfdErrorInternal
confdErrorArgument :: Int
confdErrorArgument = Types.confdErrorTypeToRaw ConfdErrorArgument
-- * Confd request query fields
confdReqqLink :: String
confdReqqLink = ConstantUtils.confdReqqLink
confdReqqIp :: String
confdReqqIp = ConstantUtils.confdReqqIp
confdReqqIplist :: String
confdReqqIplist = ConstantUtils.confdReqqIplist
confdReqqFields :: String
confdReqqFields = ConstantUtils.confdReqqFields
-- | Each request is "salted" by the current timestamp.
-- This constant decides how many seconds of skew to accept.
-- TODO: make this a default and allow the value to be more
-- configurable
confdMaxClockSkew :: Int
confdMaxClockSkew = 2 * nodeMaxClockSkew
-- | When we haven't reloaded the config for more than this amount of
-- seconds, we force a test to see if inotify is betraying us. Using a
-- prime number to ensure we get less chance of 'same wakeup' with
-- other processes.
confdConfigReloadTimeout :: Int
confdConfigReloadTimeout = 17
-- | If we receive more than one update in this amount of
-- microseconds, we move to polling every RATELIMIT seconds, rather
-- than relying on inotify, to be able to serve more requests.
confdConfigReloadRatelimit :: Int
confdConfigReloadRatelimit = 250000
-- | Magic number prepended to all confd queries.
-- This allows us to distinguish different types of confd protocols
-- and handle them. For example by changing this we can move the whole
-- payload to be compressed, or move away from json.
confdMagicFourcc :: String
confdMagicFourcc = "plj0"
-- | By default a confd request is sent to the minimum between this
-- number and all MCs. 6 was chosen because even in the case of a
-- disastrous 50% response rate, we should have enough answers to be
-- able to compare more than one.
confdDefaultReqCoverage :: Int
confdDefaultReqCoverage = 6
-- | Timeout in seconds to expire pending query request in the confd
-- client library. We don't actually expect any answer more than 10
-- seconds after we sent a request.
confdClientExpireTimeout :: Int
confdClientExpireTimeout = 10
-- | Maximum UDP datagram size.
-- On IPv4: 64K - 20 (ip header size) - 8 (udp header size) = 65507
-- On IPv6: 64K - 40 (ip6 header size) - 8 (udp header size) = 65487
-- (assuming we can't use jumbo frames)
-- We just set this to 60K, which should be enough
maxUdpDataSize :: Int
maxUdpDataSize = 61440
-- * User-id pool minimum/maximum acceptable user-ids
uidpoolUidMin :: Int
uidpoolUidMin = 0
-- | Assuming 32 bit user-ids
uidpoolUidMax :: Integer
uidpoolUidMax = 2 ^ 32 - 1
-- | Name or path of the pgrep command
pgrep :: String
pgrep = "pgrep"
-- | Name of the node group that gets created at cluster init or
-- upgrade
initialNodeGroupName :: String
initialNodeGroupName = "default"
-- * Possible values for NodeGroup.alloc_policy
allocPolicyLastResort :: String
allocPolicyLastResort = Types.allocPolicyToRaw AllocLastResort
allocPolicyPreferred :: String
allocPolicyPreferred = Types.allocPolicyToRaw AllocPreferred
allocPolicyUnallocable :: String
allocPolicyUnallocable = Types.allocPolicyToRaw AllocUnallocable
validAllocPolicies :: [String]
validAllocPolicies = map Types.allocPolicyToRaw [minBound..]
-- | Temporary external/shared storage parameters
blockdevDriverManual :: String
blockdevDriverManual = Types.blockDriverToRaw BlockDrvManual
-- | 'qemu-img' path, required for 'ovfconverter'
qemuimgPath :: String
qemuimgPath = AutoConf.qemuimgPath
-- | The hail iallocator
iallocHail :: String
iallocHail = "hail"
-- * Fake opcodes for functions that have hooks attached to them via
-- backend.RunLocalHooks
fakeOpMasterTurndown :: String
fakeOpMasterTurndown = "OP_CLUSTER_IP_TURNDOWN"
fakeOpMasterTurnup :: String
fakeOpMasterTurnup = "OP_CLUSTER_IP_TURNUP"
-- * Crypto Types
-- Types of cryptographic tokens used in node communication
cryptoTypeSslDigest :: String
cryptoTypeSslDigest = "ssl"
cryptoTypeSsh :: String
cryptoTypeSsh = "ssh"
-- So far only ssl keys are used in the context of this constant
cryptoTypes :: FrozenSet String
cryptoTypes = ConstantUtils.mkSet [cryptoTypeSslDigest]
-- * Crypto Actions
-- Actions that can be performed on crypto tokens
cryptoActionGet :: String
cryptoActionGet = "get"
cryptoActionCreate :: String
cryptoActionCreate = "create"
cryptoActionDelete :: String
cryptoActionDelete = "delete"
cryptoActions :: FrozenSet String
cryptoActions =
ConstantUtils.mkSet [ cryptoActionCreate
, cryptoActionGet
, cryptoActionDelete]
-- Key word for master candidate cert list for bootstrapping.
cryptoBootstrap :: String
cryptoBootstrap = "bootstrap"
-- * Options for CryptoActions
-- Filename of the certificate
cryptoOptionCertFile :: String
cryptoOptionCertFile = "cert_file"
-- Serial number of the certificate
cryptoOptionSerialNo :: String
cryptoOptionSerialNo = "serial_no"
-- * SSH key types
sshkDsa :: String
sshkDsa = "dsa"
sshkEcdsa :: String
sshkEcdsa = "ecdsa"
sshkRsa :: String
sshkRsa = "rsa"
sshkAll :: FrozenSet String
sshkAll = ConstantUtils.mkSet [sshkRsa, sshkDsa, sshkEcdsa]
-- * SSH authorized key types
sshakDss :: String
sshakDss = "ssh-dss"
sshakRsa :: String
sshakRsa = "ssh-rsa"
sshakAll :: FrozenSet String
sshakAll = ConstantUtils.mkSet [sshakDss, sshakRsa]
-- * SSH setup
sshsClusterName :: String
sshsClusterName = "cluster_name"
sshsSshHostKey :: String
sshsSshHostKey = "ssh_host_key"
sshsSshRootKey :: String
sshsSshRootKey = "ssh_root_key"
sshsSshAuthorizedKeys :: String
sshsSshAuthorizedKeys = "authorized_keys"
sshsSshPublicKeys :: String
sshsSshPublicKeys = "public_keys"
sshsNodeDaemonCertificate :: String
sshsNodeDaemonCertificate = "node_daemon_certificate"
-- Number of maximum retries when contacting nodes per SSH
-- during SSH update operations.
sshsMaxRetries :: Integer
sshsMaxRetries = 3
sshsAdd :: String
sshsAdd = "add"
sshsReplaceOrAdd :: String
sshsReplaceOrAdd = "replace_or_add"
sshsRemove :: String
sshsRemove = "remove"
sshsOverride :: String
sshsOverride = "override"
sshsClear :: String
sshsClear = "clear"
sshsGenerate :: String
sshsGenerate = "generate"
sshsSuffix :: String
sshsSuffix = "suffix"
sshsMasterSuffix :: String
sshsMasterSuffix = "_master_tmp"
sshsActions :: FrozenSet String
sshsActions = ConstantUtils.mkSet [ sshsAdd
, sshsRemove
, sshsOverride
, sshsClear
, sshsReplaceOrAdd]
-- * Key files for SSH daemon
sshHostDsaPriv :: String
sshHostDsaPriv = sshConfigDir ++ "/ssh_host_dsa_key"
sshHostDsaPub :: String
sshHostDsaPub = sshHostDsaPriv ++ ".pub"
sshHostEcdsaPriv :: String
sshHostEcdsaPriv = sshConfigDir ++ "/ssh_host_ecdsa_key"
sshHostEcdsaPub :: String
sshHostEcdsaPub = sshHostEcdsaPriv ++ ".pub"
sshHostRsaPriv :: String
sshHostRsaPriv = sshConfigDir ++ "/ssh_host_rsa_key"
sshHostRsaPub :: String
sshHostRsaPub = sshHostRsaPriv ++ ".pub"
sshDaemonKeyfiles :: Map String (String, String)
sshDaemonKeyfiles =
Map.fromList [ (sshkRsa, (sshHostRsaPriv, sshHostRsaPub))
, (sshkDsa, (sshHostDsaPriv, sshHostDsaPub))
, (sshkEcdsa, (sshHostEcdsaPriv, sshHostEcdsaPub))
-- * Node daemon setup
ndsClusterName :: String
ndsClusterName = "cluster_name"
ndsNodeDaemonCertificate :: String
ndsNodeDaemonCertificate = "node_daemon_certificate"
ndsSsconf :: String
ndsSsconf = "ssconf"
ndsStartNodeDaemon :: String
ndsStartNodeDaemon = "start_node_daemon"
ndsNodeName :: String
ndsNodeName = "node_name"
ndsAction :: String
ndsAction = "action"
-- * VCluster related constants
vClusterEtcHosts :: String
vClusterEtcHosts = "/etc/hosts"
vClusterVirtPathPrefix :: String
vClusterVirtPathPrefix = "/###-VIRTUAL-PATH-###,"
vClusterRootdirEnvname :: String
vClusterRootdirEnvname = "GANETI_ROOTDIR"
vClusterHostnameEnvname :: String
vClusterHostnameEnvname = "GANETI_HOSTNAME"
vClusterVpathWhitelist :: FrozenSet String
vClusterVpathWhitelist = ConstantUtils.mkSet [ vClusterEtcHosts ]
-- * The source reasons for the execution of an OpCode
opcodeReasonSrcClient :: String
opcodeReasonSrcClient = "gnt:client"
_opcodeReasonSrcDaemon :: String
_opcodeReasonSrcDaemon = "gnt:daemon"
_opcodeReasonSrcMasterd :: String
_opcodeReasonSrcMasterd = _opcodeReasonSrcDaemon ++ ":masterd"
opcodeReasonSrcNoded :: String
opcodeReasonSrcNoded = _opcodeReasonSrcDaemon ++ ":noded"
opcodeReasonSrcOpcode :: String
opcodeReasonSrcOpcode = "gnt:opcode"
opcodeReasonSrcPickup :: String
opcodeReasonSrcPickup = _opcodeReasonSrcMasterd ++ ":pickup"
opcodeReasonSrcWatcher :: String
opcodeReasonSrcWatcher = "gnt:watcher"
opcodeReasonSrcRlib2 :: String
opcodeReasonSrcRlib2 = "gnt:library:rlib2"
opcodeReasonSrcUser :: String
opcodeReasonSrcUser = "gnt:user"
opcodeReasonSources :: FrozenSet String
opcodeReasonSources =
ConstantUtils.mkSet [opcodeReasonSrcClient,
-- | Path generating random UUID
randomUuidFile :: String
randomUuidFile = ConstantUtils.randomUuidFile
-- * Auto-repair levels
autoRepairFailover :: String
autoRepairFailover = Types.autoRepairTypeToRaw ArFailover
autoRepairFixStorage :: String
autoRepairFixStorage = Types.autoRepairTypeToRaw ArFixStorage
autoRepairMigrate :: String
autoRepairMigrate = Types.autoRepairTypeToRaw ArMigrate
autoRepairReinstall :: String
autoRepairReinstall = Types.autoRepairTypeToRaw ArReinstall
autoRepairAllTypes :: FrozenSet String
autoRepairAllTypes =
ConstantUtils.mkSet [autoRepairFailover,
-- * Auto-repair results
autoRepairEnoperm :: String
autoRepairEnoperm = Types.autoRepairResultToRaw ArEnoperm
autoRepairFailure :: String
autoRepairFailure = Types.autoRepairResultToRaw ArFailure
autoRepairSuccess :: String
autoRepairSuccess = Types.autoRepairResultToRaw ArSuccess
autoRepairAllResults :: FrozenSet String
autoRepairAllResults =
ConstantUtils.mkSet [autoRepairEnoperm, autoRepairFailure, autoRepairSuccess]
-- | The version identifier for builtin data collectors
builtinDataCollectorVersion :: String
builtinDataCollectorVersion = "B"
-- | The reason trail opcode parameter name
opcodeReason :: String
opcodeReason = "reason"
-- | The reason trail opcode parameter name
opcodeSequential :: String
opcodeSequential = "sequential"
diskstatsFile :: String
diskstatsFile = "/proc/diskstats"
-- * CPU load collector
statFile :: String
statFile = "/proc/stat"
cpuavgloadBufferSize :: Int
cpuavgloadBufferSize = 150
-- | Window size for averaging in seconds.
cpuavgloadWindowSize :: Int
cpuavgloadWindowSize = 600
-- * Monitoring daemon
-- | Mond's variable for periodical data collection
mondTimeInterval :: Int
mondTimeInterval = 5
-- | Mond's waiting time for requesting the current configuration.
mondConfigTimeInterval :: Int
mondConfigTimeInterval = 15
-- | Mond's latest API version
mondLatestApiVersion :: Int
mondLatestApiVersion = 1
mondDefaultCategory :: String
mondDefaultCategory = "default"
-- * Disk access modes
diskUserspace :: String
diskUserspace = Types.diskAccessModeToRaw DiskUserspace
diskKernelspace :: String
diskKernelspace = Types.diskAccessModeToRaw DiskKernelspace
diskValidAccessModes :: FrozenSet String
diskValidAccessModes =
ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.diskAccessModeToRaw [minBound..]
-- | Timeout for queue draining in upgrades
upgradeQueueDrainTimeout :: Int
upgradeQueueDrainTimeout = 36 * 60 * 60 -- 1.5 days
-- | Intervall at which the queue is polled during upgrades
upgradeQueuePollInterval :: Int
upgradeQueuePollInterval = 10
-- * Hotplug Actions
hotplugActionAdd :: String
hotplugActionAdd = Types.hotplugActionToRaw HAAdd
hotplugActionRemove :: String
hotplugActionRemove = Types.hotplugActionToRaw HARemove
hotplugActionModify :: String
hotplugActionModify = Types.hotplugActionToRaw HAMod
hotplugAllActions :: FrozenSet String
hotplugAllActions =
ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.hotplugActionToRaw [minBound..]
-- * Hotplug Device Targets
hotplugTargetNic :: String
hotplugTargetNic = Types.hotplugTargetToRaw HTNic
hotplugTargetDisk :: String
hotplugTargetDisk = Types.hotplugTargetToRaw HTDisk
hotplugAllTargets :: FrozenSet String
hotplugAllTargets =
ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.hotplugTargetToRaw [minBound..]
-- | Timeout for disk removal (seconds)
diskRemoveRetryTimeout :: Int
diskRemoveRetryTimeout = 30
-- | Interval between disk removal retries (seconds)
diskRemoveRetryInterval :: Int
diskRemoveRetryInterval = 3
-- * UUID regex
uuidRegex :: String
uuidRegex = "^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}$"
-- * Luxi constants
luxiSocketPerms :: Int
luxiSocketPerms = 0o660
luxiKeyMethod :: String
luxiKeyMethod = "method"
luxiKeyArgs :: String
luxiKeyArgs = "args"
luxiKeySuccess :: String
luxiKeySuccess = "success"
luxiKeyResult :: String
luxiKeyResult = "result"
luxiKeyVersion :: String
luxiKeyVersion = "version"
luxiReqSubmitJob :: String
luxiReqSubmitJob = "SubmitJob"
luxiReqSubmitJobToDrainedQueue :: String
luxiReqSubmitJobToDrainedQueue = "SubmitJobToDrainedQueue"
luxiReqSubmitManyJobs :: String
luxiReqSubmitManyJobs = "SubmitManyJobs"
luxiReqWaitForJobChange :: String
luxiReqWaitForJobChange = "WaitForJobChange"
luxiReqPickupJob :: String
luxiReqPickupJob = "PickupJob"
luxiReqCancelJob :: String
luxiReqCancelJob = "CancelJob"
luxiReqArchiveJob :: String
luxiReqArchiveJob = "ArchiveJob"
luxiReqChangeJobPriority :: String
luxiReqChangeJobPriority = "ChangeJobPriority"
luxiReqAutoArchiveJobs :: String
luxiReqAutoArchiveJobs = "AutoArchiveJobs"
luxiReqQuery :: String
luxiReqQuery = "Query"
luxiReqQueryFields :: String
luxiReqQueryFields = "QueryFields"
luxiReqQueryJobs :: String
luxiReqQueryJobs = "QueryJobs"
luxiReqQueryFilters :: String
luxiReqQueryFilters = "QueryFilters"
luxiReqReplaceFilter :: String
luxiReqReplaceFilter = "ReplaceFilter"
luxiReqDeleteFilter :: String
luxiReqDeleteFilter = "DeleteFilter"
luxiReqQueryInstances :: String
luxiReqQueryInstances = "QueryInstances"
luxiReqQueryNodes :: String
luxiReqQueryNodes = "QueryNodes"
luxiReqQueryGroups :: String
luxiReqQueryGroups = "QueryGroups"
luxiReqQueryNetworks :: String
luxiReqQueryNetworks = "QueryNetworks"
luxiReqQueryExports :: String
luxiReqQueryExports = "QueryExports"
luxiReqQueryConfigValues :: String
luxiReqQueryConfigValues = "QueryConfigValues"
luxiReqQueryClusterInfo :: String
luxiReqQueryClusterInfo = "QueryClusterInfo"
luxiReqQueryTags :: String
luxiReqQueryTags = "QueryTags"
luxiReqSetDrainFlag :: String
luxiReqSetDrainFlag = "SetDrainFlag"
luxiReqSetWatcherPause :: String
luxiReqSetWatcherPause = "SetWatcherPause"
luxiReqAll :: FrozenSet String
luxiReqAll =
[ luxiReqArchiveJob
, luxiReqAutoArchiveJobs
, luxiReqCancelJob
, luxiReqChangeJobPriority
, luxiReqQuery
, luxiReqQueryClusterInfo
, luxiReqQueryConfigValues
, luxiReqQueryExports
, luxiReqQueryFields
, luxiReqQueryGroups
, luxiReqQueryInstances
, luxiReqQueryJobs
, luxiReqQueryNodes
, luxiReqQueryNetworks
, luxiReqQueryTags
, luxiReqSetDrainFlag
, luxiReqSetWatcherPause
, luxiReqSubmitJob
, luxiReqSubmitJobToDrainedQueue
, luxiReqSubmitManyJobs
, luxiReqWaitForJobChange
, luxiReqPickupJob
, luxiReqQueryFilters
, luxiReqReplaceFilter
, luxiReqDeleteFilter
luxiDefCtmo :: Int
luxiDefCtmo = 10
luxiDefRwto :: Int
luxiDefRwto = 60
-- | 'WaitForJobChange' timeout
luxiWfjcTimeout :: Int
luxiWfjcTimeout = (luxiDefRwto - 1) `div` 2
-- | The prefix of the LUXI livelock file name
luxiLivelockPrefix :: String
luxiLivelockPrefix = "luxi-daemon"
-- | The LUXI daemon waits this number of seconds for ensuring that a canceled
-- job terminates before giving up.
luxiCancelJobTimeout :: Int
luxiCancelJobTimeout = (luxiDefRwto - 1) `div` 4
-- * Master voting constants
-- | Number of retries to carry out if nodes do not answer
masterVotingRetries :: Int
masterVotingRetries = 6
-- | Retry interval (in seconds) in master voting, if not enough answers
-- could be gathered.
masterVotingRetryIntervall :: Int
masterVotingRetryIntervall = 10
-- * Query language constants
-- ** Logic operators with one or more operands, each of which is a
-- filter on its own
qlangOpAnd :: String
qlangOpAnd = "&"
qlangOpOr :: String
qlangOpOr = "|"
-- ** Unary operators with exactly one operand
qlangOpNot :: String
qlangOpNot = "!"
qlangOpTrue :: String
qlangOpTrue = "?"
-- ** Binary operators with exactly two operands, the field name and
-- an operator-specific value
qlangOpContains :: String
qlangOpContains = "=[]"
qlangOpEqual :: String
qlangOpEqual = "=="
qlangOpEqualLegacy :: String
qlangOpEqualLegacy = "="
qlangOpGe :: String
qlangOpGe = ">="
qlangOpGt :: String
qlangOpGt = ">"
qlangOpLe :: String
qlangOpLe = "<="
qlangOpLt :: String
qlangOpLt = "<"
qlangOpNotEqual :: String
qlangOpNotEqual = "!="
qlangOpRegexp :: String
qlangOpRegexp = "=~"
-- | Characters used for detecting user-written filters (see
-- L{_CheckFilter})
qlangFilterDetectionChars :: FrozenSet String
qlangFilterDetectionChars =
ConstantUtils.mkSet ["!", " ", "\"", "\'",
")", "(", "\x0b", "\n",
"\r", "\x0c", "/", "<",
"\t", ">", "=", "\\", "~"]
-- | Characters used to detect globbing filters
qlangGlobDetectionChars :: FrozenSet String
qlangGlobDetectionChars = ConstantUtils.mkSet ["*", "?"]
-- * Error related constants
-- 'OpPrereqError' failure types
-- | Environment error (e.g. node disk error)
errorsEcodeEnviron :: String
errorsEcodeEnviron = "environment_error"
-- | Entity already exists
errorsEcodeExists :: String
errorsEcodeExists = "already_exists"
-- | Internal cluster error
errorsEcodeFault :: String
errorsEcodeFault = "internal_error"
-- | Wrong arguments (at syntax level)
errorsEcodeInval :: String
errorsEcodeInval = "wrong_input"
-- | Entity not found
errorsEcodeNoent :: String
errorsEcodeNoent = "unknown_entity"
-- | Not enough resources (iallocator failure, disk space, memory, etc)
errorsEcodeNores :: String
errorsEcodeNores = "insufficient_resources"
-- | Resource not unique (e.g. MAC or IP duplication)
errorsEcodeNotunique :: String
errorsEcodeNotunique = "resource_not_unique"
-- | Resolver errors
errorsEcodeResolver :: String
errorsEcodeResolver = "resolver_error"
-- | Wrong entity state
errorsEcodeState :: String
errorsEcodeState = "wrong_state"
-- | Temporarily out of resources; operation can be tried again
errorsEcodeTempNores :: String
errorsEcodeTempNores = "temp_insufficient_resources"
errorsEcodeAll :: FrozenSet String
errorsEcodeAll =
ConstantUtils.mkSet [ errorsEcodeNores
, errorsEcodeExists
, errorsEcodeState
, errorsEcodeNotunique
, errorsEcodeTempNores
, errorsEcodeNoent
, errorsEcodeFault
, errorsEcodeResolver
, errorsEcodeInval
, errorsEcodeEnviron
-- * Jstore related constants
jstoreJobsPerArchiveDirectory :: Int
jstoreJobsPerArchiveDirectory = 10000
-- * Gluster settings
-- | Name of the Gluster host setting
glusterHost :: String
glusterHost = "host"
-- | Default value of the Gluster host setting
glusterHostDefault :: String
glusterHostDefault = ""
-- | Name of the Gluster volume setting
glusterVolume :: String
glusterVolume = "volume"
-- | Default value of the Gluster volume setting
glusterVolumeDefault :: String
glusterVolumeDefault = "gv0"
-- | Name of the Gluster port setting
glusterPort :: String
glusterPort = "port"
-- | Default value of the Gluster port setting
glusterPortDefault :: Int
glusterPortDefault = 24007
-- * Instance communication
-- The instance communication attaches an additional NIC, named
-- @instanceCommunicationNicPrefix@:@instanceName@ with MAC address
-- prefixed by @instanceCommunicationMacPrefix@, to the instances that
-- have instance communication enabled. This NIC is part of the
-- instance communication network which is supplied by the user via
-- gnt-cluster modify --instance-communication=mynetwork
-- This network is defined as @instanceCommunicationNetwork4@ for IPv4
-- and @instanceCommunicationNetwork6@ for IPv6.
instanceCommunicationDoc :: String
instanceCommunicationDoc =
"Enable or disable the communication mechanism for an instance"
instanceCommunicationMacPrefix :: String
instanceCommunicationMacPrefix = "52:54:00"
-- | The instance communication network is a link-local IPv4/IPv6
-- network because the communication is meant to be exclusive between
-- the host and the guest and not routed outside the node.
instanceCommunicationNetwork4 :: String
instanceCommunicationNetwork4 = ""
-- | See 'instanceCommunicationNetwork4'.
instanceCommunicationNetwork6 :: String
instanceCommunicationNetwork6 = "fe80::/10"
instanceCommunicationNetworkLink :: String
instanceCommunicationNetworkLink = "communication_rt"
instanceCommunicationNetworkMode :: String
instanceCommunicationNetworkMode = nicModeRouted
instanceCommunicationNicPrefix :: String
instanceCommunicationNicPrefix = "ganeti:communication:"
-- | Parameters that should be protected
-- Python does not have a type system and can't automatically infer what should
-- be the resulting type of a JSON request. As a result, it must rely on this
-- list of parameter names to protect values correctly.
-- Names ending in _cluster will be treated as dicts of dicts of private values.
-- Otherwise they are considered dicts of private values.
privateParametersBlacklist :: [String]
privateParametersBlacklist = [ "osparams_private"
, "osparams_secret"
, "osparams_private_cluster"
-- | Warn the user that the logging level is too low for production use.
debugModeConfidentialityWarning :: String
debugModeConfidentialityWarning =
"ALERT: %s started in debug mode.\n\
\ Private and secret parameters WILL be logged!\n"
-- * Stat dictionary entries
-- The get_file_info RPC returns a number of values as a dictionary, and the
-- following constants are both descriptions and means of accessing them.
-- | The size of the file
statSize :: String
statSize = "size"
-- * Helper VM-related timeouts
-- | The default fixed timeout needed to startup the helper VM.
helperVmStartup :: Int
helperVmStartup = 5 * 60
-- | The default fixed timeout needed until the helper VM is finally
-- shutdown, for example, after installing the OS.
helperVmShutdown :: Int
helperVmShutdown = 2 * 60 * 60
-- | The zeroing timeout per MiB of disks to zero
-- Determined by estimating that a disk writes at a relatively slow
-- speed of 1/5 of the max speed of current drives.
zeroingTimeoutPerMib :: Double
zeroingTimeoutPerMib = 1.0 / (100.0 / 5.0)
-- * Networking
-- The minimum size of a network.
ipv4NetworkMinSize :: Int
ipv4NetworkMinSize = 30
-- The maximum size of a network.
-- FIXME: This limit is for performance reasons. Remove when refactoring
-- for performance tuning was successful.
ipv4NetworkMaxSize :: Int
ipv4NetworkMaxSize = 30
-- * Data Collectors
dataCollectorCPULoad :: String
dataCollectorCPULoad = "cpu-avg-load"
dataCollectorDiskStats :: String
dataCollectorDiskStats = "diskstats"
dataCollectorDrbd :: String
dataCollectorDrbd = "drbd"
dataCollectorLv :: String
dataCollectorLv = "lv"
dataCollectorInstStatus :: String
dataCollectorInstStatus = "inst-status-xen"
dataCollectorParameterInterval :: String
dataCollectorParameterInterval = "interval"
dataCollectorNames :: FrozenSet String
dataCollectorNames =
ConstantUtils.mkSet [ dataCollectorCPULoad
, dataCollectorDiskStats
, dataCollectorDrbd
, dataCollectorLv
, dataCollectorInstStatus
dataCollectorStateActive :: String
dataCollectorStateActive = "active"
dataCollectorsEnabledName :: String
dataCollectorsEnabledName = "enabled_data_collectors"
dataCollectorsIntervalName :: String
dataCollectorsIntervalName = "data_collector_interval"