| {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, ScopedTypeVariables #-} |
| |
| {-| Utility functions. -} |
| |
| {- |
| |
| Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Google Inc. |
| All rights reserved. |
| |
| Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
| modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are |
| met: |
| |
| 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, |
| this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
| |
| 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright |
| notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the |
| documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
| |
| |
| -} |
| |
| module Ganeti.Utils |
| ( debug |
| , debugFn |
| , debugXy |
| , sepSplit |
| , findFirst |
| , stdDev |
| , if' |
| , select |
| , applyIf |
| , commaJoin |
| , ensureQuoted |
| , tryRead |
| , readMaybe |
| , formatTable |
| , printTable |
| , parseUnit |
| , parseUnitAssumeBinary |
| , plural |
| , niceSort |
| , niceSortKey |
| , exitIfBad |
| , exitErr |
| , exitWhen |
| , exitUnless |
| , logWarningIfBad |
| , rStripSpace |
| , newUUID |
| , isUUID |
| , getCurrentTime |
| , getCurrentTimeUSec |
| , clockTimeToString |
| , clockTimeToCTime |
| , clockTimeToUSec |
| , cTimeToClockTime |
| , chompPrefix |
| , warn |
| , wrap |
| , trim |
| , defaultHead |
| , exitIfEmpty |
| , splitEithers |
| , recombineEithers |
| , resolveAddr |
| , monadicThe |
| , setOwnerAndGroupFromNames |
| , setOwnerWGroupR |
| , formatOrdinal |
| , tryAndLogIOError |
| , withDefaultOnIOError |
| , lockFile |
| , FStat |
| , nullFStat |
| , getFStat |
| , getFStatSafe |
| , needsReload |
| , watchFile |
| , watchFileBy |
| , safeRenameFile |
| , FilePermissions(..) |
| , ensurePermissions |
| , ordNub |
| , isSubsequenceOf |
| ) where |
| |
| import Control.Applicative |
| import Control.Concurrent |
| import Control.Exception (try, bracket) |
| import Control.Monad |
| import Control.Monad.Error |
| import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as A |
| import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UTF8 |
| import Data.Char (toUpper, isAlphaNum, isDigit, isSpace) |
| import qualified Data.Either as E |
| import Data.Function (on) |
| import Data.IORef |
| import Data.List |
| import qualified Data.Map as M |
| import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) |
| import qualified Data.Set as S |
| import Foreign.C.Types (CTime(..)) |
| import Numeric (showOct) |
| import System.Directory (renameFile, createDirectoryIfMissing) |
| import System.FilePath.Posix (takeDirectory) |
| import System.INotify |
| import System.Posix.Types |
| |
| import Debug.Trace |
| import Network.Socket |
| |
| import Ganeti.BasicTypes |
| import qualified Ganeti.ConstantUtils as ConstantUtils |
| import Ganeti.Logging |
| import Ganeti.Runtime |
| import System.IO |
| import System.Exit |
| import System.Posix.Files |
| import System.Posix.IO |
| import System.Time |
| |
| -- * Debug functions |
| |
| -- | To be used only for debugging, breaks referential integrity. |
| debug :: Show a => a -> a |
| debug x = trace (show x) x |
| |
| -- | Displays a modified form of the second parameter before returning |
| -- it. |
| debugFn :: Show b => (a -> b) -> a -> a |
| debugFn fn x = debug (fn x) `seq` x |
| |
| -- | Show the first parameter before returning the second one. |
| debugXy :: Show a => a -> b -> b |
| debugXy = seq . debug |
| |
| -- * Miscellaneous |
| |
| -- | Apply the function if condition holds, otherwise use default value. |
| applyIf :: Bool -> (a -> a) -> a -> a |
| applyIf b f x = if b then f x else x |
| |
| -- | Comma-join a string list. |
| commaJoin :: [String] -> String |
| commaJoin = intercalate "," |
| |
| -- | Split a list on a separator and return a list of lists. |
| sepSplit :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [[a]] |
| sepSplit sep s |
| | null s = [] |
| | null xs = [x] |
| | null ys = [x,[]] |
| | otherwise = x:sepSplit sep ys |
| where (x, xs) = break (== sep) s |
| ys = drop 1 xs |
| |
| -- | Finds the first unused element in a set starting from a given base. |
| findFirst :: (Ord a, Enum a) => a -> S.Set a -> a |
| findFirst base xs = |
| case S.splitMember base xs of |
| (_, False, _) -> base |
| (_, True, ys) -> fromMaybe (succ base) $ |
| (fmap fst . find (uncurry (<)) . zip [succ base..] . S.toAscList $ ys) |
| `mplus` fmap (succ . fst) (S.maxView ys) |
| |
| -- | Simple pluralize helper |
| plural :: Int -> String -> String -> String |
| plural 1 s _ = s |
| plural _ _ p = p |
| |
| -- | Ensure a value is quoted if needed. |
| ensureQuoted :: String -> String |
| ensureQuoted v = if not (all (\c -> isAlphaNum c || c == '.') v) |
| then '\'':v ++ "'" |
| else v |
| |
| -- * Mathematical functions |
| |
| -- Simple and slow statistical functions, please replace with better |
| -- versions |
| |
| -- | Standard deviation function. |
| stdDev :: [Double] -> Double |
| stdDev lst = |
| -- first, calculate the list length and sum lst in a single step, |
| -- for performance reasons |
| let (ll', sx) = foldl' (\(rl, rs) e -> |
| let rl' = rl + 1 |
| rs' = rs + e |
| in rl' `seq` rs' `seq` (rl', rs')) (0::Int, 0) lst |
| ll = fromIntegral ll'::Double |
| mv = sx / ll |
| av = foldl' (\accu em -> let d = em - mv in accu + d * d) 0.0 lst |
| in sqrt (av / ll) -- stddev |
| |
| -- * Logical functions |
| |
| -- Avoid syntactic sugar and enhance readability. These functions are proposed |
| -- by some for inclusion in the Prelude, and at the moment they are present |
| -- (with various definitions) in the utility-ht package. Some rationale and |
| -- discussion is available at <http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/If-then-else> |
| |
| -- | \"if\" as a function, rather than as syntactic sugar. |
| if' :: Bool -- ^ condition |
| -> a -- ^ \"then\" result |
| -> a -- ^ \"else\" result |
| -> a -- ^ \"then\" or "else" result depending on the condition |
| if' True x _ = x |
| if' _ _ y = y |
| |
| -- * Parsing utility functions |
| |
| -- | Parse results from readsPrec. |
| parseChoices :: Monad m => String -> String -> [(a, String)] -> m a |
| parseChoices _ _ [(v, "")] = return v |
| parseChoices name s [(_, e)] = |
| fail $ name ++ ": leftover characters when parsing '" |
| ++ s ++ "': '" ++ e ++ "'" |
| parseChoices name s _ = fail $ name ++ ": cannot parse string '" ++ s ++ "'" |
| |
| -- | Safe 'read' function returning data encapsulated in a Result. |
| tryRead :: (Monad m, Read a) => String -> String -> m a |
| tryRead name s = parseChoices name s $ reads s |
| |
| -- | Parse a string using the 'Read' instance. |
| -- Succeeds if there is exactly one valid result. |
| -- |
| -- /Backport from Text.Read introduced in base- |
| readMaybe :: Read a => String -> Maybe a |
| readMaybe s = case reads s of |
| [(a, "")] -> Just a |
| _ -> Nothing |
| |
| -- | Format a table of strings to maintain consistent length. |
| formatTable :: [[String]] -> [Bool] -> [[String]] |
| formatTable vals numpos = |
| let vtrans = transpose vals -- transpose, so that we work on rows |
| -- rather than columns |
| mlens = map (maximum . map length) vtrans |
| expnd = map (\(flds, isnum, ml) -> |
| map (\val -> |
| let delta = ml - length val |
| filler = replicate delta ' ' |
| in if delta > 0 |
| then if isnum |
| then filler ++ val |
| else val ++ filler |
| else val |
| ) flds |
| ) (zip3 vtrans numpos mlens) |
| in transpose expnd |
| |
| -- | Constructs a printable table from given header and rows |
| printTable :: String -> [String] -> [[String]] -> [Bool] -> String |
| printTable lp header rows isnum = |
| unlines . map ((++) lp . (:) ' ' . unwords) $ |
| formatTable (header:rows) isnum |
| |
| -- | Converts a unit (e.g. m or GB) into a scaling factor. |
| parseUnitValue :: (Monad m) => Bool -> String -> m Rational |
| parseUnitValue noDecimal unit |
| -- binary conversions first |
| | null unit = return 1 |
| | unit == "m" || upper == "MIB" = return 1 |
| | unit == "g" || upper == "GIB" = return kbBinary |
| | unit == "t" || upper == "TIB" = return $ kbBinary * kbBinary |
| -- SI conversions |
| | unit == "M" || upper == "MB" = return mbFactor |
| | unit == "G" || upper == "GB" = return $ mbFactor * kbDecimal |
| | unit == "T" || upper == "TB" = return $ mbFactor * kbDecimal * kbDecimal |
| | otherwise = fail $ "Unknown unit '" ++ unit ++ "'" |
| where upper = map toUpper unit |
| kbBinary = 1024 :: Rational |
| kbDecimal = if noDecimal then kbBinary else 1000 |
| decToBin = kbDecimal / kbBinary -- factor for 1K conversion |
| mbFactor = decToBin * decToBin -- twice the factor for just 1K |
| |
| -- | Tries to extract number and scale from the given string. |
| -- |
| -- Input must be in the format NUMBER+ SPACE* [UNIT]. If no unit is |
| -- specified, it defaults to MiB. Return value is always an integral |
| -- value in MiB; if the first argument is True, all kilos are binary. |
| parseUnitEx :: (Monad m, Integral a, Read a) => Bool -> String -> m a |
| parseUnitEx noDecimal str = |
| -- TODO: enhance this by splitting the unit parsing code out and |
| -- accepting floating-point numbers |
| case (reads str::[(Int, String)]) of |
| [(v, suffix)] -> |
| let unit = dropWhile (== ' ') suffix |
| in do |
| scaling <- parseUnitValue noDecimal unit |
| return $ truncate (fromIntegral v * scaling) |
| _ -> fail $ "Can't parse string '" ++ str ++ "'" |
| |
| -- | Tries to extract number and scale from the given string. |
| -- |
| -- Input must be in the format NUMBER+ SPACE* [UNIT]. If no unit is |
| -- specified, it defaults to MiB. Return value is always an integral |
| -- value in MiB. |
| parseUnit :: (Monad m, Integral a, Read a) => String -> m a |
| parseUnit = parseUnitEx False |
| |
| -- | Tries to extract a number and scale from a given string, taking |
| -- all kilos to be binary. |
| parseUnitAssumeBinary :: (Monad m, Integral a, Read a) => String -> m a |
| parseUnitAssumeBinary = parseUnitEx True |
| |
| -- | Unwraps a 'Result', exiting the program if it is a 'Bad' value, |
| -- otherwise returning the actual contained value. |
| exitIfBad :: String -> Result a -> IO a |
| exitIfBad msg (Bad s) = exitErr (msg ++ ": " ++ s) |
| exitIfBad _ (Ok v) = return v |
| |
| -- | Exits immediately with an error message. |
| exitErr :: String -> IO a |
| exitErr errmsg = do |
| hPutStrLn stderr $ "Error: " ++ errmsg |
| exitWith (ExitFailure 1) |
| |
| -- | Exits with an error message if the given boolean condition if true. |
| exitWhen :: Bool -> String -> IO () |
| exitWhen True msg = exitErr msg |
| exitWhen False _ = return () |
| |
| -- | Exits with an error message /unless/ the given boolean condition |
| -- if true, the opposite of 'exitWhen'. |
| exitUnless :: Bool -> String -> IO () |
| exitUnless cond = exitWhen (not cond) |
| |
| -- | Unwraps a 'Result', logging a warning message and then returning a default |
| -- value if it is a 'Bad' value, otherwise returning the actual contained value. |
| logWarningIfBad :: String -> a -> Result a -> IO a |
| logWarningIfBad msg defVal (Bad s) = do |
| logWarning $ msg ++ ": " ++ s |
| return defVal |
| logWarningIfBad _ _ (Ok v) = return v |
| |
| -- | Try an IO interaction, log errors and unfold as a 'Result'. |
| tryAndLogIOError :: IO a -> String -> (a -> Result b) -> IO (Result b) |
| tryAndLogIOError io msg okfn = |
| try io >>= either |
| (\ e -> do |
| let combinedmsg = msg ++ ": " ++ show (e :: IOError) |
| logError combinedmsg |
| return . Bad $ combinedmsg) |
| (return . okfn) |
| |
| -- | Try an IO interaction and return a default value if the interaction |
| -- throws an IOError. |
| withDefaultOnIOError :: a -> IO a -> IO a |
| withDefaultOnIOError a io = |
| try io >>= either (\ (_ :: IOError) -> return a) return |
| |
| -- | Print a warning, but do not exit. |
| warn :: String -> IO () |
| warn = hPutStrLn stderr . (++) "Warning: " |
| |
| -- | Helper for 'niceSort'. Computes the key element for a given string. |
| extractKey :: [Either Integer String] -- ^ Current (partial) key, reversed |
| -> String -- ^ Remaining string |
| -> ([Either Integer String], String) |
| extractKey ek [] = (reverse ek, []) |
| extractKey ek xs@(x:_) = |
| let (span_fn, conv_fn) = if isDigit x |
| then (isDigit, Left . read) |
| else (not . isDigit, Right) |
| (k, rest) = span span_fn xs |
| in extractKey (conv_fn k:ek) rest |
| |
| {-| Sort a list of strings based on digit and non-digit groupings. |
| |
| Given a list of names @['a1', 'a10', 'a11', 'a2']@ this function |
| will sort the list in the logical order @['a1', 'a2', 'a10', 'a11']@. |
| |
| The sort algorithm breaks each name in groups of either only-digits or |
| no-digits, and sorts based on each group. |
| |
| Internally, this is not implemented via regexes (like the Python |
| version), but via actual splitting of the string in sequences of |
| either digits or everything else, and converting the digit sequences |
| in /Left Integer/ and the non-digit ones in /Right String/, at which |
| point sorting becomes trivial due to the built-in 'Either' ordering; |
| we only need one extra step of dropping the key at the end. |
| |
| -} |
| niceSort :: [String] -> [String] |
| niceSort = niceSortKey id |
| |
| -- | Key-version of 'niceSort'. We use 'sortBy' and @compare `on` fst@ |
| -- since we don't want to add an ordering constraint on the /a/ type, |
| -- hence the need to only compare the first element of the /(key, a)/ |
| -- tuple. |
| niceSortKey :: (a -> String) -> [a] -> [a] |
| niceSortKey keyfn = |
| map snd . sortBy (compare `on` fst) . |
| map (\s -> (fst . extractKey [] $ keyfn s, s)) |
| |
| -- | Strip space characthers (including newline). As this is |
| -- expensive, should only be run on small strings. |
| rStripSpace :: String -> String |
| rStripSpace = reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse |
| |
| -- | Returns a random UUID. |
| -- This is a Linux-specific method as it uses the /proc filesystem. |
| newUUID :: IO String |
| newUUID = do |
| contents <- readFile ConstantUtils.randomUuidFile |
| return $! rStripSpace $ take 128 contents |
| |
| -- | Parser that doesn't fail on a valid UUIDs (same as |
| -- "Ganeti.Constants.uuidRegex"). |
| uuidCheckParser :: A.Parser () |
| uuidCheckParser = do |
| -- Not using Attoparsec.Char8 because "all attempts to use characters |
| -- above code point U+00FF will give wrong answers" and we don't |
| -- want such things to be accepted as UUIDs. |
| let lowerHex = A.satisfy (\c -> (48 <= c && c <= 57) || -- 0-9 |
| (97 <= c && c <= 102)) -- a-f |
| hx n = A.count n lowerHex |
| d = A.word8 45 -- '-' |
| void $ hx 8 >> d >> hx 4 >> d >> hx 4 >> d >> hx 4 >> d >> hx 12 |
| |
| -- | Checks if the string is a valid UUID as in "Ganeti.Constants.uuidRegex". |
| isUUID :: String -> Bool |
| isUUID = |
| isRight . A.parseOnly (uuidCheckParser <* A.endOfInput) . UTF8.fromString |
| |
| -- | Returns the current time as an 'Integer' representing the number |
| -- of seconds from the Unix epoch. |
| getCurrentTime :: IO Integer |
| getCurrentTime = do |
| TOD ctime _ <- getClockTime |
| return ctime |
| |
| -- | Returns the current time as an 'Integer' representing the number |
| -- of microseconds from the Unix epoch (hence the need for 'Integer'). |
| getCurrentTimeUSec :: IO Integer |
| getCurrentTimeUSec = liftM clockTimeToUSec getClockTime |
| |
| -- | Convert a ClockTime into a (seconds-only) timestamp. |
| clockTimeToString :: ClockTime -> String |
| clockTimeToString (TOD t _) = show t |
| |
| -- | Convert a ClockTime into a (seconds-only) 'EpochTime' (AKA @time_t@). |
| clockTimeToCTime :: ClockTime -> EpochTime |
| clockTimeToCTime (TOD secs _) = fromInteger secs |
| |
| -- | Convert a ClockTime the number of microseconds since the epoch. |
| clockTimeToUSec :: ClockTime -> Integer |
| clockTimeToUSec (TOD ctime pico) = |
| -- pico: 10^-12, micro: 10^-6, so we have to shift seconds left and |
| -- picoseconds right |
| ctime * 1000000 + pico `div` 1000000 |
| |
| -- | Convert a ClockTime into a (seconds-only) 'EpochTime' (AKA @time_t@). |
| cTimeToClockTime :: EpochTime -> ClockTime |
| cTimeToClockTime (CTime timet) = TOD (toInteger timet) 0 |
| |
| {-| Strip a prefix from a string, allowing the last character of the prefix |
| (which is assumed to be a separator) to be absent from the string if the string |
| terminates there. |
| |
| \>>> chompPrefix \"foo:bar:\" \"a:b:c\" |
| Nothing |
| |
| \>>> chompPrefix \"foo:bar:\" \"foo:bar:baz\" |
| Just \"baz\" |
| |
| \>>> chompPrefix \"foo:bar:\" \"foo:bar:\" |
| Just \"\" |
| |
| \>>> chompPrefix \"foo:bar:\" \"foo:bar\" |
| Just \"\" |
| |
| \>>> chompPrefix \"foo:bar:\" \"foo:barbaz\" |
| Nothing |
| -} |
| chompPrefix :: String -> String -> Maybe String |
| chompPrefix pfx str = |
| if pfx `isPrefixOf` str || str == init pfx |
| then Just $ drop (length pfx) str |
| else Nothing |
| |
| -- | Breaks a string in lines with length \<= maxWidth. |
| -- |
| -- NOTE: The split is OK if: |
| -- |
| -- * It doesn't break a word, i.e. the next line begins with space |
| -- (@isSpace . head $ rest@) or the current line ends with space |
| -- (@null revExtra@); |
| -- |
| -- * It breaks a very big word that doesn't fit anyway (@null revLine@). |
| wrap :: Int -- ^ maxWidth |
| -> String -- ^ string that needs wrapping |
| -> [String] -- ^ string \"broken\" in lines |
| wrap maxWidth = filter (not . null) . map trim . wrap0 |
| where wrap0 :: String -> [String] |
| wrap0 text |
| | length text <= maxWidth = [text] |
| | isSplitOK = line : wrap0 rest |
| | otherwise = line' : wrap0 rest' |
| where (line, rest) = splitAt maxWidth text |
| (revExtra, revLine) = break isSpace . reverse $ line |
| (line', rest') = (reverse revLine, reverse revExtra ++ rest) |
| isSplitOK = |
| null revLine || null revExtra || startsWithSpace rest |
| startsWithSpace (x:_) = isSpace x |
| startsWithSpace _ = False |
| |
| -- | Removes surrounding whitespace. Should only be used in small |
| -- strings. |
| trim :: String -> String |
| trim = reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse . dropWhile isSpace |
| |
| -- | A safer head version, with a default value. |
| defaultHead :: a -> [a] -> a |
| defaultHead def [] = def |
| defaultHead _ (x:_) = x |
| |
| -- | A 'head' version in the I/O monad, for validating parameters |
| -- without which we cannot continue. |
| exitIfEmpty :: String -> [a] -> IO a |
| exitIfEmpty _ (x:_) = return x |
| exitIfEmpty s [] = exitErr s |
| |
| -- | Obtain the unique element of a list in an arbitrary monad. |
| monadicThe :: (Eq a, Monad m) => String -> [a] -> m a |
| monadicThe s [] = fail s |
| monadicThe s (x:xs) |
| | all (x ==) xs = return x |
| | otherwise = fail s |
| |
| -- | Split an 'Either' list into two separate lists (containing the |
| -- 'Left' and 'Right' elements, plus a \"trail\" list that allows |
| -- recombination later. |
| -- |
| -- This is splitter; for recombination, look at 'recombineEithers'. |
| -- The sum of \"left\" and \"right\" lists should be equal to the |
| -- original list length, and the trail list should be the same length |
| -- as well. The entries in the resulting lists are reversed in |
| -- comparison with the original list. |
| splitEithers :: [Either a b] -> ([a], [b], [Bool]) |
| splitEithers = foldl' splitter ([], [], []) |
| where splitter (l, r, t) e = |
| case e of |
| Left v -> (v:l, r, False:t) |
| Right v -> (l, v:r, True:t) |
| |
| -- | Recombines two \"left\" and \"right\" lists using a \"trail\" |
| -- list into a single 'Either' list. |
| -- |
| -- This is the counterpart to 'splitEithers'. It does the opposite |
| -- transformation, and the output list will be the reverse of the |
| -- input lists. Since 'splitEithers' also reverses the lists, calling |
| -- these together will result in the original list. |
| -- |
| -- Mismatches in the structure of the lists (e.g. inconsistent |
| -- lengths) are represented via 'Bad'; normally this function should |
| -- not fail, if lists are passed as generated by 'splitEithers'. |
| recombineEithers :: (Show a, Show b) => |
| [a] -> [b] -> [Bool] -> Result [Either a b] |
| recombineEithers lefts rights trail = |
| foldM recombiner ([], lefts, rights) trail >>= checker |
| where checker (eithers, [], []) = Ok eithers |
| checker (_, lefts', rights') = |
| Bad $ "Inconsistent results after recombination, l'=" ++ |
| show lefts' ++ ", r'=" ++ show rights' |
| recombiner (es, l:ls, rs) False = Ok (Left l:es, ls, rs) |
| recombiner (es, ls, r:rs) True = Ok (Right r:es, ls, rs) |
| recombiner (_, ls, rs) t = Bad $ "Inconsistent trail log: l=" ++ |
| show ls ++ ", r=" ++ show rs ++ ",t=" ++ |
| show t |
| |
| -- | Default hints for the resolver |
| resolveAddrHints :: Maybe AddrInfo |
| resolveAddrHints = |
| Just defaultHints { addrFlags = [AI_NUMERICHOST, AI_NUMERICSERV] } |
| |
| -- | Resolves a numeric address. |
| resolveAddr :: Int -> String -> IO (Result (Family, SockAddr)) |
| resolveAddr port str = do |
| resolved <- getAddrInfo resolveAddrHints (Just str) (Just (show port)) |
| return $ case resolved of |
| [] -> Bad "Invalid results from lookup?" |
| best:_ -> Ok (addrFamily best, addrAddress best) |
| |
| -- | Set the owner and the group of a file (given as names, not numeric id). |
| setOwnerAndGroupFromNames :: FilePath -> GanetiDaemon -> GanetiGroup -> IO () |
| setOwnerAndGroupFromNames filename daemon dGroup = do |
| -- TODO: it would be nice to rework this (or getEnts) so that runtimeEnts |
| -- is read only once per daemon startup, and then cached for further usage. |
| runtimeEnts <- runResultT getEnts |
| ents <- exitIfBad "Can't find required user/groups" runtimeEnts |
| -- note: we use directly ! as lookup failures shouldn't happen, due |
| -- to the map construction |
| let uid = reUserToUid ents M.! daemon |
| let gid = reGroupToGid ents M.! dGroup |
| setOwnerAndGroup filename uid gid |
| |
| -- | Resets permissions so that the owner can read/write and the group only |
| -- read. All other permissions are cleared. |
| setOwnerWGroupR :: FilePath -> IO () |
| setOwnerWGroupR path = setFileMode path mode |
| where mode = foldl unionFileModes nullFileMode |
| [ownerReadMode, ownerWriteMode, groupReadMode] |
| |
| -- | Formats an integral number, appending a suffix. |
| formatOrdinal :: (Integral a, Show a) => a -> String |
| formatOrdinal num |
| | num > 10 && num < 20 = suffix "th" |
| | tens == 1 = suffix "st" |
| | tens == 2 = suffix "nd" |
| | tens == 3 = suffix "rd" |
| | otherwise = suffix "th" |
| where tens = num `mod` 10 |
| suffix s = show num ++ s |
| |
| -- | Attempt, in a non-blocking way, to obtain a lock on a given file; report |
| -- back success. |
| -- Returns the file descriptor so that the lock can be released by closing |
| lockFile :: FilePath -> IO (Result Fd) |
| lockFile path = runResultT . liftIO $ do |
| handle <- openFile path WriteMode |
| fd <- handleToFd handle |
| setLock fd (WriteLock, AbsoluteSeek, 0, 0) |
| return fd |
| |
| -- | File stat identifier. |
| type FStat = (EpochTime, FileID, FileOffset) |
| |
| -- | Null 'FStat' value. |
| nullFStat :: FStat |
| nullFStat = (-1, -1, -1) |
| |
| -- | Computes the file cache data from a FileStatus structure. |
| buildFileStatus :: FileStatus -> FStat |
| buildFileStatus ofs = |
| let modt = modificationTime ofs |
| inum = fileID ofs |
| fsize = fileSize ofs |
| in (modt, inum, fsize) |
| |
| -- | Wrapper over 'buildFileStatus'. This reads the data from the |
| -- filesystem and then builds our cache structure. |
| getFStat :: FilePath -> IO FStat |
| getFStat p = liftM buildFileStatus (getFileStatus p) |
| |
| -- | Safe version of 'getFStat', that ignores IOErrors. |
| getFStatSafe :: FilePath -> IO FStat |
| getFStatSafe fpath = liftM (either (const nullFStat) id) |
| ((try $ getFStat fpath) :: IO (Either IOError FStat)) |
| |
| -- | Check if the file needs reloading |
| needsReload :: FStat -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FStat) |
| needsReload oldstat path = do |
| newstat <- getFStat path |
| return $ if newstat /= oldstat |
| then Just newstat |
| else Nothing |
| |
| -- | Until the given point in time (useconds since the epoch), wait |
| -- for the output of a given method to change and return the new value; |
| -- make use of the promise that the output only changes if the reference |
| -- has a value different than the given one. |
| watchFileEx :: (Eq b) => Integer -> b -> IORef b -> (a -> Bool) -> IO a -> IO a |
| watchFileEx endtime base ref check read_fn = do |
| current <- getCurrentTimeUSec |
| if current > endtime then read_fn else do |
| val <- readIORef ref |
| if val /= base |
| then do |
| new <- read_fn |
| if check new then return new else do |
| logDebug "Observed change not relevant" |
| threadDelay 100000 |
| watchFileEx endtime val ref check read_fn |
| else do |
| threadDelay 100000 |
| watchFileEx endtime base ref check read_fn |
| |
| -- | Within the given timeout (in seconds), wait for for the output |
| -- of the given method to satisfy a given predicate and return the new value; |
| -- make use of the promise that the method will only change its value, if |
| -- the given file changes on disk. If the file does not exist on disk, return |
| -- immediately. |
| watchFileBy :: FilePath -> Int -> (a -> Bool) -> IO a -> IO a |
| watchFileBy fpath timeout check read_fn = do |
| current <- getCurrentTimeUSec |
| let endtime = current + fromIntegral timeout * 1000000 |
| fstat <- getFStatSafe fpath |
| ref <- newIORef fstat |
| bracket initINotify killINotify $ \inotify -> do |
| let do_watch e = do |
| logDebug $ "Notified of change in " ++ fpath |
| ++ "; event: " ++ show e |
| when (e == Ignored) |
| (addWatch inotify [Modify, Delete] fpath do_watch |
| >> return ()) |
| fstat' <- getFStatSafe fpath |
| writeIORef ref fstat' |
| _ <- addWatch inotify [Modify, Delete] fpath do_watch |
| newval <- read_fn |
| if check newval |
| then do |
| logDebug $ "File " ++ fpath ++ " changed during setup of inotify" |
| return newval |
| else watchFileEx endtime fstat ref check read_fn |
| |
| -- | Within the given timeout (in seconds), wait for for the output |
| -- of the given method to change and return the new value; make use of |
| -- the promise that the method will only change its value, if |
| -- the given file changes on disk. If the file does not exist on disk, return |
| -- immediately. |
| watchFile :: Eq a => FilePath -> Int -> a -> IO a -> IO a |
| watchFile fpath timeout old = watchFileBy fpath timeout (/= old) |
| |
| -- | Type describing ownership and permissions of newly generated |
| -- directories and files. All parameters are optional, with nothing |
| -- meaning that the default value should be left untouched. |
| |
| data FilePermissions = FilePermissions { fpOwner :: Maybe GanetiDaemon |
| , fpGroup :: Maybe GanetiGroup |
| , fpPermissions :: FileMode |
| } |
| |
| -- | Ensure that a given file or directory has the permissions, and |
| -- possibly ownerships, as required. |
| ensurePermissions :: FilePath -> FilePermissions -> IO (Result ()) |
| ensurePermissions fpath perms = do |
| -- Fetch the list of entities |
| runtimeEnts <- runResultT getEnts |
| ents <- exitIfBad "Can't determine user/group ids" runtimeEnts |
| |
| -- Get the existing file properties |
| eitherFileStatus <- try $ getFileStatus fpath |
| :: IO (Either IOError FileStatus) |
| |
| -- And see if any modifications are needed |
| (flip $ either (return . Bad . show)) eitherFileStatus $ \fstat -> do |
| ownertry <- case fpOwner perms of |
| Nothing -> return $ Right () |
| Just owner -> try $ do |
| let ownerid = reUserToUid ents M.! owner |
| unless (ownerid == fileOwner fstat) $ do |
| logDebug $ "Changing owner of " ++ fpath ++ " to " ++ show owner |
| setOwnerAndGroup fpath ownerid (-1) |
| grouptry <- case fpGroup perms of |
| Nothing -> return $ Right () |
| Just grp -> try $ do |
| let groupid = reGroupToGid ents M.! grp |
| unless (groupid == fileGroup fstat) $ do |
| logDebug $ "Changing group of " ++ fpath ++ " to " ++ show grp |
| setOwnerAndGroup fpath (-1) groupid |
| let fp = fpPermissions perms |
| permtry <- if fileMode fstat == fp |
| then return $ Right () |
| else try $ do |
| logInfo $ "Changing permissions of " ++ fpath ++ " to " |
| ++ showOct fp "" |
| setFileMode fpath fp |
| let errors = E.lefts ([ownertry, grouptry, permtry] :: [Either IOError ()]) |
| if null errors |
| then return $ Ok () |
| else return . Bad $ show errors |
| |
| -- | Safely rename a file, creating the target directory, if needed. |
| safeRenameFile :: FilePermissions -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (Result ()) |
| safeRenameFile perms from to = do |
| directtry <- try $ renameFile from to |
| case (directtry :: Either IOError ()) of |
| Right () -> return $ Ok () |
| Left _ -> do |
| result <- try $ do |
| let dir = takeDirectory to |
| createDirectoryIfMissing True dir |
| _ <- ensurePermissions dir perms |
| renameFile from to |
| return $ either (Bad . show) Ok (result :: Either IOError ()) |
| |
| -- | Removes duplicates, preserving order. |
| ordNub :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a] |
| ordNub = |
| let go _ [] = [] |
| go s (x:xs) = if x `S.member` s |
| then go s xs |
| else x : go (S.insert x s) xs |
| in go S.empty |
| |
| -- | `isSubsequenceOf a b`: Checks if a is a subsequence of b. |
| isSubsequenceOf :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Bool |
| isSubsequenceOf [] _ = True |
| isSubsequenceOf _ [] = False |
| isSubsequenceOf a@(x:a') (y:b) | x == y = isSubsequenceOf a' b |
| | otherwise = isSubsequenceOf a b |